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CPH Theory is based on generalized the light velocity from energy into mass.


قبل از شک کردن به اینشتین، کابل را چک کنید!




دوستان عزیز آزمایشگاه سرن: همیشه قبل از شک کردن به اینشتین، کابل را چک کنید!

اولین اخبار تکان دهنده بود: سرن با استفاده از دستگاه برخورد دهنده اتمهای اروپایی خود، شواهدی یافته بود مبنی بر این که ذرات زیر اتمی قادرند سریع تر از نور حرکت کنند!

این خبر به علاوه حرف های دانشمندان در ارتباط با مرگ احتمالی نظریه نسبیت اینشتین با سرعت نور در سراسر جهان انعکاس پیدا کرد. سرن یک آگهی درج کرد مبنی بر این که آزمایشات بیشتری نیاز است برای تایید این یافته.

این در حالیست که هم اکنون ما به حقیقت غم انگیزی درباره این خبر دست یافته ایم که به قرار زیر است:

نوترینوها سرعتی بیشتر از 186000 مایل در ثانیه ندارند، یا اگر هم داشته باشند، سرن قادر به اثبات آن نیست.

طبق خبرگزاری رویترز، به راستی تقریبا علم فیزیک به وسیله یک کابل فیبر نوری شل که جهت اتصال دریافتگر جی.پی.اس به کامپیوتر سرن استفاده شده بود، واژگون شد.

این مشکل برای هر کسی که کاری در زمینه ارتباطات یا سخت افزار محاسبه گر داشته باشد، آشناست: یک کابل.

در این مورد، کابلی که جی.پی.اس را به کامپیوتربرای تامین زمان دقیق آزمایش متصل می کرد، دارای مشکل بود و هنگامی که ایراد کابل معیوب برطرف شد، سرعت نوترینوها کاهش یافت و بدین ترتیب نظریه اینشتین از شک و تردید وارده رهایی یافت.   


مترجم: متین واعظ تهرانی





Dear CERN: Always Check the Cable Before Doubting Einstein

TECH 2/22/2012


David Coursey, Contributor


Please check your cables before questioning me!

The initial news was shocking:CERN, the European atom-smasher, had found evidence that atomic particles could travel faster than the speed of light!

The news shot around the world at, yes, the speed of light, with scientists talking about the possible death of Einstein�s General Theory of Relativity. CERN did insert a caveat: More tests were needed to confirm the finding.

And now we know the sad truth: Neutrinos don�t travel faster than 186,000-miles-per-second, or if they do, CERN can�t prove it. Indeed, physics was almost upended by a loose fiber optic cableused to connect a GPS receiver to a CERN computer, Reuters reports.

Turns out the problem was one familiar to everyone who works with communications or computing hardware: A cable.

In this case, one that connected a GPS to a computer to provide accurate time for the experiment. Once the bad cable was factored-out, neutrinos slowed down and Einstein was redeemed.

One of the first lessons I learned in computers � and I learned it the hard way and repeatedly � is that the problem is always a cable until proven otherwise. Home entertainment installers also know this truth. Likewise all my ham radio buddies.

Symptoms relieved

Computer won�t turn on? That�s an unplugged power cable. Can�t play music? Speaker cable. Something doesn�t hear? Mic or line-in cable.

No display? The video cable or maybe the display power cable. No network? That�s the Ethernet cable. All of these can be accidentally or intentionally pulled out.

Some cables will fail over time. Works one day, dead the next.

Sometimes the cable isn�t really what you think it is � the wires don�t lead where you expect � and the cable doesn�t work because it�s the wrong cable. This is especially true with new cables that you�ve never seen work before.

Sometimes the pins in the connector become bent or broken � so don�t force a cable where it doesn�t want to connect. That�s another lesson I learned the hard way. Likewise, not connecting the cable to the computer or device if screws are available for that purpose.


Strain reliefs keep cables happy and prevent damage to the equipment. Route the cables so that a tripping accident doesn�t cause a $5,000 monitor to crash to the floor. (That one I caught in time). Thank you, Apple, for the magnetic power connectors that keep my portable Macs safe.

Sometimes cables don�t work because they are too long. Or overheat because too much power is being run through them.

Cable problems can even occur inside a device where they are difficult or impossible for ordinary mortals to discover.

When a customer�s product arrives at a service center, guess what is checked first?

I certain don�t blame CERN for the trouble with the GPS cable. Stuff happens. And sometimes when stuff happens it makes worldwide headlines, gets people all excited, and then has to be recalled. Because of a bad cable.

So if you ever get an unexpected result, even if it doesn�t question one of the foundations of modern physics, now you know what to check first.


Source: Forbes






سرن در راه انجام مجدد آزمایشات انیشتن در ماه می پس از شک و تردیدهای ایجاد شده توسط کابل

پنجشنبه بیست و سوم فبریه 2012 برابر چهارم اسفند 1390

(رویترز) پس از اعلام موسسه تحقیقاتی سرن در پنجشنبه در این باره که یافته های تکان دهنده اش مبنی بر غلط بودن نظریات بنیادی اینشتین، می تواند توسط یک کابل شل ایجاد شده باشد، فیزیکدانان را وادار ساخت تا آزمایشات جدیدی در ماه می انجام دهند.

 سال گذشته هنگامی که آزمایشگاه سرن واقع در نزدیکی ژنو در گزارشی اعلام کرد که ذرات ریزتری از اتم به نام نوترینوها کمی سریعتر از نور می توانند حرکت کنند، به نظر می رسید داشت نظریه نسبیت خاص آلبرت اینشتین (1905) را رد می کرد.

نظریه اینشتین، که دیدگاه رایج درباره نحوه عملکرد هستی را تایید می کند، می گوید که هیچ چیزی نمی تواند سریع تر از نور حرکت کند، و اگر جز این باشد چیزی مانند بازگشت به عقب در زمان است.

طبق گفته این موسسه، دو عامل ممکن، شناسایی شده اند که می توانسته بر زمان سنجی سرعت نوترینوها در خلال آزمایش اپرا (OPERA experiment) تاثیر بگذارد. همچنین در بیانیه ای اعلام کرد که: "در آزمایشات ماه می، زمان سنجی های جدید با پرتوهای کوتاه-پالس انجام خواهد گرفت."

یک نتیجه می تواند مربوط به ارتعاش سنج به کار برده شده در این آزمایش باشد که وظیفه نقش زدن زمان برای سینک های جی.پی.اس را به عهده داشته، که در صورت درست بودن این نتیجه، می تواند دانشمندان را به سمت زیاد برآورد کردن سرعت نوترینوها سوق دهد.

 اما عامل دوم در ارتباط با یافته "سریعتر از نور" حاصل از آزمایش اولیه اپرا، مهم تر به نظر می رسد.

طبق اعلام سرن، " عامل دوم به رابط فیبر نوری که وظیفه رساندن سیگنال جی.پی.اس خارجی به زمان سنج اصلی اپرا را به عهده داشته، مربوط می شود، و از قرار معلوم در هنگام سنجش، درست کار نمی کرده. با فرض درست بودن این عامل، نتیجه، منتهی به کم برآورد کردن سرعت نوترینوها می شود."

این یافته زمانی ثبت شد که 15000 پرتو نوترینو ظرف مدت بیش از سه سال از آزمایشگاه سرن به آزمایشگاه زیرزمینی ایتالیایی واقع در گرن سسو حوالی رم از طریق پمپ انتقال پیدا کرده بودند.     


مترجم: متین واعظ تهرانی



CERN to re-run Einstein tests in May after cable doubts

Feb 23, 2012

(Reuters) - Physicists are to run new tests in May after the CERN research institute said on Thursday that its startling findings appearing to show that one of Einstein's fundamental theories was wrong could have been caused by a loose cable.

The CERN lab near Geneva appeared to contradict Albert Einstein's 1905 Special Theory of Relativity last year when they reported that sub-atomic particles called neutrinos could travel fractionally faster than light.

Einstein's theory, which underpins the current view of how the universe works, says that nothing can travel faster than light, and doing so would be like traveling back in time.

CERN said two possible effects had been identified that could have an influence on its neutrino timing measurement during its OPERA experiment. "New measurements with short pulsed beams are scheduled for May," it said in a statement.

One effect concerned an oscillator used to provide the time stamps for GPS (Global Positioning System) synchronizations, which could have led scientists to overestimate the neutrino's time of flight.

However, the other effect appeared to be more significant in the faster-than-light finding of the original OPERA experiment.

"The second concerns the optical fiber connector that brings the external GPS signal to the OPERA master clock, which may not have been functioning correctly when the measurements were taken," said CERN. "If this is the case, it could have led to an underestimate of the time of flight of the neutrinos."

The faster-than-light finding was recorded when 15,000 neutrino beams were pumped over three years from CERN to an underground Italian laboratory at Gran Sasso near Rome.

James Gillies, a spokesman for CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) said late on Wednesday that the result was now in doubt.

"A possible explanation has been found. But we won't know until we have tested it out with a new beam to Gran Sasso," Gillies told Reuters in Geneva.

Physicists on the experiment said when they reported it last September that they had checked and rechecked over many months anything that could have produced a misreading before announcing what they had found.

A second test whose results were announced in November appeared to provide further evidence that neutrinos were travelling faster than light. But many experts remained skeptical of a result that would have overturned one of the fundamental principles of modern physics.

Edward Blucher, chairman of the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago, said the original finding would have been breathtaking if it had been true. As it was, the research inspired many spirited discussions, if few believers.

"I don't think I met anyone who said I bet it's going to be true. I think the people on the experiment worked as carefully as they could and I think they ran out of ideas of what could be wrong and they decided to present it," he said.

"Maybe they should have waited a few more months," he added.

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Additional reporting by Robert Evans in Geneva, Kate Kellandin London; and Julie Steenhuysen in Chicago; editing by David Stamp)



Source; Reuters




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سی پی اچ در ژورنالها


General Science Journal

World Science Database

Hadronic Journal

National Research Council Canada

Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics

Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Science

Sub quantum space and interactions from photon to fermions and bosons

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