CPH Theory:
In this theory,
it has been attempted to scrutinize the
interface between relativity and quantum
mechanics through a novel approach to the
established physical events. Universal constancy
of the speed of light undergoes the question
whether the limit on the light speed originates
from a natural event or not?
the phenomena of creation and decay of
electron-positron pair, why do the related
photons move at constant speed, but we could
change the speed of matter and antimatter? What
is the unique characteristic of matter which is
convertible to photons that move with constant
speed c (speed of light)?
Boucherer experiment is the experimental proof
of relativistic mass. The increase in electron's
mass while passing through the accelerator's
tunnel (exerting external force), originates
from gaining energy; and energy has mass. The
idea that object/particle could not travel at
superluminal speeds, originates from the
structure of matter and the mechanism of
interaction between field and mass; that with
presenting a postulate we could generalize the
constancy of speed from energy to mass.
gravitational blue shift,
the energy of photon and consequently its
frequency will increase. What is the mechanism
of increasing in the photon energy that causes
increase in its frequency growth?
Emphasizing on these phenomena and presenting
the relation between photon's energy and
frequency, this paper is to draw attention on
the importance of constancy of speed in relation
to the mass structure which will be scrutinized
in reviewing Newton's second law.
results of this point
of view many uncertainties
and unanswered-questions in modern
physics, cosmology,
before the big bang and its reasons will be
relative articles:
What is
the universe made of? How did it start?
Theory of Everything
and before the Big Bang
The concept of a point-like
particle is wrong
The formal
understanding of antimatter is wrong
Does EVERYTHING happen at the same time, really?
What is light charged Higgs boson scenario,
Human beings are a part of the whole, called by
us "the universe," a part limited in time and
space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts
and feelings, as something separated from the
rest--a kind of optical delusion of our
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our own personal desires and
to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this
prison by widening our circle of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the whole of
nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein
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Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
Vol 2, No 5 (2013) ISSN 2322-2956
H. Javadi1, F.

Written by:
H. Javadi1, F.
Quantum Gravity Chromo Dynamics
Reconsidering relativistic Newton's second law
and its results
Reviewing Friedmann Equation and Inflation
Theory by Sub Quantum Energy
Physics: Being and Time
and Newton's second law
and virtual photons
and cosmology equations, before the Big Bang
physical time and thermodynamics

Contains: names, biographies and lectures