Article of above picture;
I was born in
Tehran in 1949. I
have been familiar with Newton's
laws in 1961
Since 1962 I
doubted on Newton's
laws in high school. I did not accept the infinitive speed and
I found un-vivid the laws of gravity and time.
I learned the
Einstein's Relativity,
thus I found some answers for my questions. But,
I had another doubt of Infinitive Mass-Energy.
And I wanted to know why light has stable speed?
Well, I wanted to
know what is the basis of time. Then I asked, is
there any event that time has not effect on it?
In 1971, I have started to study
mathematical science at Shahid Beheshty
univesity (National university of Iran). I
studied modern physics.
On 1972 I was
asking to myself why in the low speeds (v<<c)
the Relativity becomes to classical mechanics?
And why for the great bodies (solids) the
Quantum mechanics becomes to classic mechanics?
Is there any law
that could cover the Relativity, Quantum
mechanics and classic mechanics? Extremity I
believed that we must reconsider the Newton's
second law and Quantum mechanics and Relativity
at the same time. I received
the B.Sc, in 1975. Since 1975 I started an
independent investigation and was focused on the
relation E=mc2 and properties of
My courage had
result on 1987, and I could introduce the design
The Theory of CPH. After 25 years working, I
could write all of my experiences on some texts,
and formula.
I published book's
Development Scientific Theories in 1991 in
Persian, I propounded CPH Theory
(Creation Particle Higgs Theory)
on it.
According CPH
Theory we are able to combine classical
mechanics, quantum mechanics Relativity and
Higg. CPH's principle issue
is the conversion of force and energy.
In fact force and
energy are convertible to
each other. Any effort for finding a
unified theory without consider to conversion
force and energy will has no success.
Papers written by Hossein Javadi
(Independent Researcher)
Definition of
Singularity due to Newton's Second Law
Counteracting Gravity
Interactions between real
and virtual spacetimes
Reviewing Friedmann
Equation and Inflation Theory by Sub Quantum
relativistic Newton's second law and its results
Graviton and
Newton's second law
Graviton and
virtual photons
Graviton and
cosmology equations, before the Big Bang
physical time and thermodynamics
Graviton: Virtual photon
and Quantum Chromodynamics
Modern physics; problems
and solutions
Unified Force, Energy and Mass
Physics: Being and Time
Physics: Being and Time
Beyond the Modern
Physics and Cosmological Equations
On the constancy of the
speed of light: a nature law or a natural
Quantum Gravity Chromo
Dynamics (QGCD)
CERN Experiment and
Violation of Newton's Second Law English
CERN Experiment and
Violation of the Newton's Second Law Persian
A New Definition of
Zero Point Energy and the
Dirac Equation
Zero Point Energy
and the Dirac Equation Persian

Contains: names, biographies and lectures