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سی پی اچ در ژورنالها



ثابت جهانی آلفا با زمان تغییر می کند




ثابت های جهانی ممکن است ثابت نباشند


Universal Constant Might Not Be Constant


 ثابت های جهانی ممکن است ثابت نباشند

یک گروه از محققین جهانی با مدارک جدیدی برخورد کردند که نشان می دهد ثابت جهانی پیوند بین اتمها در یک مولکول که آلفا نامیده می شود، با زمان تغییر می کند.

ثابت جهانی آلفا در پدیده ی حیات اهمیت زیادی برخوردار است و اگر این ثابت اختلاف زیادی با مقدار موجود می داشت، زندگی هرگز شکل نمی گرفت. محققین با اندازه گیری نشانه های دریافتی از کوسارها و مقایسه آن با زمین به این نتیجه رسیدند که ثابت آلفا با زمان تغییر می کند.

Apr 11, 2005 - An international researchers has found evidence that a universal constant in nature which governs the strength of the molecular bonds between atoms - called "alpha" - might have changed over time. The strength of alpha is very important, and life couldn't exist if it was much different from its current value. The team examined the light from distant quasars billions of light-years away, and measured the unique fingerprint of its light being absorbed by clouds of gas. They compared this fingerprint to known values here on Earth to measure the difference.
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عدد آلفا که گاهی اپسيلون بيانگر آن است كه هسته هاي اتمي با چه شدتي به يكديگر متصل شده اند و چگونه تمامي اتم هاي موجود در زمين شكل گرفته اند. مقدار اپسيلون انرژي ساطع شده از خورشيد را كنترل مي كند و از آن حساس تر اينكه، چگونه ستارگان، هيدروژن را به تمامي اتم هاي جدول تناوبي تبديل مي كنند، به دليل فرآيندهايي كه در ستارگان روي مي دهد، كربن و اكسيژن عناصر مهمي محسوب مي شوند ولي طلا و اورانيوم كمياب هستند. اگر مقدار اپسيلون 006/ يا 008/ بود ما وجود نداشتيم. عدد كيهاني e توليد عناصري را كه باعث ايجاد حيات مي شوند ـ كربن، اكسيژن، آهن و... يا ساير انواع كه باعث ايجاد جهاني عقيم مي شود را كنترل مي كند.

برای مطالعه بیشتر به مقاله شش عدد حاکم بر جهان مراجعه کنید.

What's Up This Week - Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2005


Apr 11, 2005 - It's back. Yes, the Moon will figure prominently in this week's night sky, but it will put on a grand show as we have several occultations and a grazing event in store. We'll have plenty of opportunities to view new lunar features and catch a "shooting star" as we enter a very unusual meteoroid stream. So grab your telescopes and binoculars, because...

Here's what's up! 
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New Method Could Detect Alien Space Stations


  روش جدید می تواند به کشف استگاه های عجیب منجر شود.


Apr 11, 2005 - Since the beginning of astronomical observation, science has been viewing light on a curve. In a galaxy filled with thousands of eclipsing binary stars, we've refined our skills by measuring the brightness or intensity of so-called variable star as a function of time. The result is known as a "light curve". Through this type of study, we've discovered size, distance and orbital speed of stellar bodies and refined our ability to detect planetary bodies orbiting distant suns. Here on Earth, most of the time it's impossible for us to resolve such small objects even with the most powerful of telescopes, because their size is less than one pixel in the detector. But new research should let us determine the shape of an object... like a ringed planet, or an orbiting alien space station. (Full Story)

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Two Massive Stars Orbiting One Another


دو ستاره ی پرجرم دور یکدیگر دوران می کنند.

Apr 11, 2005 - Wolf Rayat stars are some of the most massive and dangerous stars in the Universe, living out the final days before they explode as supernovae. And astronomers have found two of them orbiting one another at distances varying as close as the Sun is to Mars and as far as the Sun to Neptune. One star is 20 times the mass of the Sun, and the other 50 times the mass of the Sun, and they only take 7.9 years to complete their orbital cycle. (Full Story)

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Details of Xanadu Region on Titan


جزئیاتی از نواحی تایتان

Apr 11, 2005 - On its recent Titan flyby, Cassini took a series of detailed images of the Eastern edge of the bright Xanadu region. Cassini had only viewed this region with its synthetic aperture radar on a previous flyby, so this was an opportunity to image the area in infrared. In the centre of the image is a bright "island" completely surrounded by a dark "sea" of material. There is also an 80 km-wide (50 mile) impact crater, which has also filled up with this dark material.(Full Story)

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Last modified 12/22/2013