Astronomers Detect Two Black Holes in a Cosmic Dance

Artist's conception of the binary supermassive black hole
system. Credit P. Marenfeld, NOAO
Paired black holes are theorized to be common, but have
escaped detection — until now.
Astronomers Todd Boroson and Tod Lauer, from the National
Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona,
have found what looks like two massive black holes orbiting
each other in the center of one galaxy. Their discovery
appears in this week's issue of Nature.
Astronomers have long suspected
that most large galaxies harbor black holes at their center,
and that most galaxies have undergone some kind of merger in
their lifetime. But while binary black hole systems should
be common, they have proved hard to find. Boroson and Lauer
believe they've found a galaxy that contains two black
holes, which orbit each other every 100 years or so. They
appear to be separated by only 1/10 of a parsec, a tenth of
the distance from Earth to
the nearest
After a galaxy forms, it is likely that a massive black hole
can also form at its center. Since many galaxies are found
in cluster of galaxies, individual galaxies can collide with
each other as they orbit in the cluster. The mystery is what
happens to these central black holes when galaxies collide
and ultimately merge together. Theory predicts that they
will orbit each other and eventually merge into an even
larger black hole.
"Previous work has identified potential examples of black
holes on their way to merging, but the case presented by
Boroson and Lauer is special because the pairing is tighter
and the evidence much stronger," wrote Jon Miller, a
University of Michigan astronomer, in an accompanying
The material falling into a black hole emits light in narrow
wavelength regions, forming emission lines which can be seen
when the light is dispersed into a spectrum. The emission
lines carry the information about the speed and direction of
the black hole and the material falling into it. If two
black holes are present, they would orbit each other before
merging and would have a characteristic dual signature in
their emission lines. This signature has now been found.
The smaller black hole has a
mass 20 million times that of the
sun; the larger one
is 50 times bigger, as determined by the their orbital
Boroson and Lauer used data
from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a 2.5-meter (8-foot)
diametertelescope at
Apache Point in southern New Mexico to look for this
characteristic dual black hole signature among 17,500
Quasars are the most luminous
versions of the general class of objects known as active
galaxies, which can be a hundred times brighter than our Milky
Way galaxy,
and powered by the accretion of material into supermassive
black holes in their nuclei. Astronomers have found more
than 100,000 quasars.
Boroson and Lauer had to eliminate the possibility that they
were seeing two galaxies, each with its own black hole,
superimposed on each other. To try to eliminate this
superposition possibility, they determined that the quasars
were at the same red-shift determined distance and that
there was a signature of only one host galaxy.
“The double set of broad emission lines is pretty conclusive
evidence of two black holes,” Boroson said. “If in fact this
were a chance superposition, one of the objects must be
quite peculiar. One
nice thing about this binary black hole system is that we
predict that we will see observable velocity changes within
a few years at most. We can test our explanation that the
binary black hole system is embedded in a galaxy that is
itself the result of a merger of two smaller galaxies, each
of which contained one of the two black holes.”
LEAD IMAGE CAPTION (more): Artist's conception of the binary
supermassive black hole system. Each black hole is
surrounded by a disk of material gradually spiraling into
its grasp, releasing radiation from x-rays to radio waves.
The two black holes complete an orbit around their center of
mass every 100 years, traveling with a relative velocity of
6000 kilometers (3,728 miles) per second. (Credit P.
Marenfeld, NOAO)
Source: NOAO
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