The Hydrogen
If the fuel cell is to become
the modern steam engine, basic research must provide
breakthroughs in understanding, materials, and design to
make a hydrogen−based energy system a vibrant and
competitive force.
Since the industrial revolution began in the 18th century,
fossil fuels in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas have
powered the technology and transportation networks that drive
society. But continuing to power the world from fossil fuels
threatens our energy supply and puts enormous strains on the
environment. The world's demand for energy is projected to
double by 2050 in response to population growth and the
industrialization of developing countries.1 The
supply of fossil fuels is limited, with restrictive shortages of
oil and gas projected to occur within our lifetimes (see
the article by Paul Weisz in Physics Today, July 2004, page 47).
Global oil and gas reserves are concentrated in a few regions of
the world, while demand is growing everywhere; as a result, a
secure supply is increasingly difficult to assure. Moreover, the
use of fossil fuels puts our own health at risk through the
chemical and particulate pollution it creates. Carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gas emissions that are associated with
global warming threaten the stability of Earth's climate.
A replacement for fossil fuels will not appear overnight.
Extensive R&D is required before alternative sources can supply
energy in quantities and at costs competitive with fossil fuels,
and making those alternative sources available commercially will
itself require developing the proper economic infrastructure.
Each of those steps takes time, but greater global investment in
R&D will most likely hasten the pace of economic change.
Although it is impossible to predict when the fossil fuel supply
will fall short of demand or when global warming will become
acute, the present trend of yearly increases in fossil fuel use
shortens our window of opportunity for a managed transition to
alternative energy sources.
Hydrogen as energy carrier
One promising alternative to fossil fuels is hydrogen2,3 (see
the article by Joan Ogden, Physics Today, April 2002, page 69).
Through its reaction with oxygen, hydrogen releases energy
explosively in heat engines or quietly in fuel cells to produce
water as its only byproduct. Hydrogen is abundant and generously
distributed throughout the world without regard for national
boundaries; using it to create a hydrogen economy—a future
energy system based on hydrogen and electricity—only requires
technology, not political access.
Although in many ways hydrogen is an attractive replacement for
fossil fuels, it does not occur in nature as the fuel H2.
Rather, it occurs in chemical compounds like water or
hydrocarbons that must be chemically transformed to yield H2.
Hydrogen, like electricity, is a carrier of energy, and like
electricity, it must be produced from a natural resource. At
present, most of the world's hydrogen is produced from natural
gas by a process called steam reforming. However, producing
hydrogen from fossil fuels would rob the hydrogen economy of
much of its raison d'être: Steam reforming does not reduce the
use of fossil fuels but rather shifts them from end use to an
earlier production step; and it still releases carbon to the
environment in the form of CO2. Thus, to achieve the
benefits of the hydrogen economy, we must ultimately produce
hydrogen from non−fossil resources, such as water, using a
renewable energy source.

Figure 1
Figure 1 depicts
the hydrogen economy as a network composed of three functional
steps: production, storage, and use. There are basic technical
means to achieve each of these steps, but none of them can yet
compete with fossil fuels in cost, performance, or reliability.
Even when using the cheapest production method—steam reforming
of methane—hydrogen is still four times the cost of gasoline for
the equivalent amount of energy. And production from methane
does not reduce fossil fuel use or CO2 emission.
Hydrogen can be stored in pressurized gas containers or as a
liquid in cryogenic containers, but not in densities that would
allow for practical applications—driving a car up to 500
kilometers on a single tank, for example. Hydrogen can be
converted to electricity in fuel cells, but the production cost
of prototype fuel cells remains high: $3000 per kilowatt of
power produced for prototype fuel cells (mass production could
reduce this cost by a factor of 10 or more), compared with $30
per kilowatt for gasoline engines.
The gap between the present state of the art in hydrogen
production, storage, and use and that needed for a competitive
hydrogen economy is too wide to bridge in incremental advances.
It will take fundamental breakthroughs of the kind that come
only from basic research.
Beyond reforming
The US Department of Energy estimates that by 2040 cars and
light trucks powered by fuel cells will require about 150
megatons per year of hydrogen.3 The
US currently produces about 9 megatons per year, almost all of
it by reforming natural gas. The challenge is to find
inexpensive and efficient routes to create hydrogen in
sufficient quantities from non−fossil natural resources. The
most promising route is splitting water, which is a natural
carrier of hydrogen. It takes energy to split the water molecule
and release hydrogen, but that energy is later recovered during
oxidation to produce water. To eliminate fossil fuels from this
cycle, the energy to split water must come from non−carbon
sources, such as the electron−hole pairs excited in a
semiconductor by solar radiation, the heat from a nuclear
reactor or solar collector, or an electric voltage generated by
renewable sources such as hydropower or wind.
The direct solar conversion of sunlight to H2 is
one of the most fascinating developments in water splitting.4 Established
technology splits water in two steps: conversion of solar
radiation to electricity in photovoltaic cells followed by
electrolysis of water in a separate cell. It is well known that
the photovoltaic conversion occurs with an efficiency up to 32%
when expensive single−crystal semiconductors are used in
multi−junction stacks, or about 3% with much cheaper organic
semiconductors; remarkably, the cost of delivered electricity is
about the same in both cases. Advanced electrolyzers split water
with 80% efficiency.
The two processes, however, can be combined in a single
nanoscale process: Photon absorption creates a local
electron−hole pair that electrochemically splits a neighboring
water molecule. The efficiency of this integrated photochemical
process can be much higher, in principle, than the two
sequential processes; it has now reached 8−12% in the laboratory4 and
has prospects for much greater gains as researchers learn to
better control the nanoscale excitation and photochemistry. The
technical challenge is finding robust semiconductor materials
that satisfy the competing requirements of nature. The Sun's
photons are primarily in the visible, a wavelength that requires
semiconductors with small bandgaps—below 1.7 eV—for efficient
absorption. Oxide semiconductors like titanium dioxide that are
robust in aqueous environments have wide bandgaps, as high as
3.0 eV, and thus require higher−energy photons for excitation.
The use of dye−sensitized photocells that accumulate energy from
multiple low−energy photons to inject higher−energy electrons
into the semiconductor is a promising direction for matching the
solar spectrum. Alternatively, oxide semiconductors can be doped
with impurities that reduce their bandgap energies to overlap
better with the solar spectrum. In both cases, new strategies
for nanostructured hybrid materials are needed to more
efficiently use solar energy to split water.
Water can be split in thermochemical cycles operating at
elevated temperatures to facilitate the reaction kinetics.5 Heat
sources include solar collectors operating up to 3000°C or
nuclear reactors designed to operate between 500°C and 900°C (see
the article by Gail Marcus and Alan Levin, Physics Today, April
2002, page 54). More than 100 types of chemical
cycles have been proposed, including systems based on
zinc−oxygen operating at 1500°C, sulfur−iodine at 850°C,
calcium−bromine at 750°C, and copper−chlorine at 550°C. At high
temperatures, thermochemical cycles must deal with the tradeoff
between favorable reaction kinetics and aggressive chemical
corrosion of containment vessels. Separating the reaction
products at high temperature is a second challenge: Unseparated
mixtures of gases recombine if allowed to cool. But identifying
effective membrane materials that selectively pass hydrogen,
oxygen, water, hydrogen sulfate, or hydrogen iodide, for
example, at high temperature remains a problem. Dramatic
improvements in catalysis could lower the operating temperature
of thermochemical cycles, and thus reduce the need for
high−temperature materials, without losing efficiency.
Molecular−level challenges, with which researchers are fast
making progress using nanoscale design, include accelerating the
kinetics of reactions through catalysis, separating the products
at high temperature, and directing products to the next reaction

Figure 2
Bio−inspired processes offer stunning opportunities to approach
the hydrogen production problem anew.6 The
natural world began forming its own hydrogen economy 3 billion
years ago, when it developed photosynthesis to convert CO2,
water, and sunlight into hydrogen and oxygen. Plants use
hydrogen to manufacture the carbohydrates in their leaves and
stalks, and emit oxygen to the atmosphere for animals to
breathe. Single−cell organisms such as algae and many microbes
produce hydrogen efficiently at ambient temperatures by
molecular−level processes. These natural mechanisms for
producing hydrogen involve elaborate protein structures that
have only recently been partially solved. For billions of years,
for instance, plants have used a catalyst based on
manganese−oxygen clusters to split water efficiently at room
temperature, a process that frees protons and electrons.
Likewise, bacteria use iron and nickel clusters as the active
elements both for combining protons and electrons into H2 and
splitting H2 into
protons and electrons (see
Figure 2). The hope is that researchers can
capitalize on nature's efficient manufacturing processes by
fully understanding molecular structures and functions and then
imitating them using artificial materials in such applications
as fuel−cell anodes and cathodes.
Storing hydrogen
Storing hydrogen in a high−energy−density form that flexibly
links its production and eventual use is a key element of the
hydrogen economy. Unlike electricity, which must be produced and
used at the same rate, stored hydrogen can be stockpiled for
much later use, or used as ballast to bridge the differing
temporal cycles of energy production and consumption.
The traditional storage options are conceptually
simple—cylinders of liquid and high−pressure gas. Industrial
facilities and laboratories are already accustomed to handling
hydrogen both ways. These options are viable for the stationary
consumption of hydrogen in large plants that can accommodate
large weights and volumes. Storage as liquid H2 imposes
severe energy costs because up to 40% of its energy content can
be lost to liquefaction

Figure 3
For transportation use, the on−board storage of hydrogen is a
far more difficult challenge. Both weight and volume are at a
premium, and sufficient fuel must be stored to make it practical
to drive distances comparable to gas−powered cars.3 Figure
3illustrates the challenge by showing the gravimetric
and volumetric energy densities of fuels, including the
container and apparatus needed for fuel handling. For hydrogen,
that added weight is a major fraction of the total. For
on−vehicle use, hydrogen need store only about half of the
energy that gasoline provides because the efficiency of fuel
cells can be greater by a factor of two or more than that of
internal combustion engines. Even so, the energy densities of
the most advanced batteries and of liquid and gaseous hydrogen
pale in comparison to gasoline.

Figure 4
Meeting the volume restrictions in cars or trucks, for instance,
requires using hydrogen stored at densities higher than its
liquid density. Figure
4 shows
the volume density of hydrogen stored in several compounds and
in some liquid hydrocarbons.7All
of those compounds store hydrogen at higher density than the
liquid or the compressed gas at 10 000 psi (Ž700 bar), shown as
points on the right−hand vertical axis for comparison. The most
effective storage media are located in the upper−right quadrant
of the Figure, where hydrogen is combined with light elements
like lithium, nitrogen, and carbon. The materials in that part
of the plot have the highest mass fraction and volume density of
hydrogen. Hydrocarbons like methanol and octane are notable as
high−volume−density hydrogen storage compounds as well as
high−energy− density fuels, and cycles that allow the fossil
fuels to release and recapture their hydrogen are already in use
in stationary chemical processing plants.7
The two challenges for on−vehicle hydrogen storage and use are
capacity and cycling performance under the accessible on−board
conditions of 0−100°C and 1−10 bars. To achieve high storage
capacity at low weight requires strong chemical bonds between
hydrogen and light−atom host materials in stable compounds, such
as lithium borohydride (LiBH4). But to achieve fast
cycling at accessible conditions requires weak chemical bonds,
fast kinetics, and short diffusion lengths, as might be found in
surface adsorption. Thus, the high−capacity and fast−recycling
requirements are somewhat in conflict. Many bulk
hydrogen−storage compounds, such as metallic magnesium nitrogen
hydride (Mg2NH4) and ionic sodium
borohydride (Na+(BH4)−),
contain high volumetric hydrogen densities but require
temperatures of 300°C or more at 1 bar to release their H2.
Compounds with low−temperature capture and release behavior,
such as lanthanum nickel hydride (LaNi5H6),
have low hydrogen−mass fractions and are thus heavy to carry.
Hydrogen absorption on surfaces is a potential route to fast
cycling, but has been explored relatively little except for
carbon substrates. Hydrogen can be adsorbed in molecular or
atomic form on suitable surfaces, using pressure, temperature,
or electrochemical potential to control its surface structure
and bonding strength. A major challenge is controlling the
bonding and kinetics of multiple layers of hydrogen. The first
layer is bonded by van der Waals or chemical forces specific to
the substrate; the second layer sees primarily the first layer
and therefore bonds with very different strength. The
single−layer properties of adsorbed hydrogen on carbon can be
predicted rather accurately and are indicated by the solid curve
in Figure 4; the behavior of multiple layers is much less well
understood. But experience with carbon suggests that multiple
layers are needed for effective storage capacity. One route for
overcoming the single−layer limitation is to adsorb hydrogen on
both sides of a substrate layer, arranged with others in
nanoscale stacks that allow access to both sides.
Nanostructured materials offer a host of promising routes for
storing hydrogen at high capacity in compounds that have fast
recycling. Large surface areas can be coated with catalysts to
assist in the dissociation of gaseous H2, and the
small volume of individual nanoparticles produces short
diffusion paths to the material's interior. The strength of the
chemical bonds with hydrogen can be weakened with additives7 such
as titanium dioxide in sodium aluminum hydride (NaAlH4).
The capture and release cycle is a complex process that involves
molecular dissociation, diffusion, chemical bonding, and van der
Waals attraction. Each of the steps can be optimized in a
specific nanoscale environment that includes appropriate
catalysts, defects, and impurity atoms. By integrating the steps
into an interactive nanoscale architecture where hydrogen
molecules or atoms are treated in one environment for
dissociation, for example, and handed off to the next
environment for diffusion, nanoscience engineers could
simultaneously optimize all the desired properties. Another
approach is to use three−dimensional solids with open
structures, such as metal−organic frameworks8 in
which hydrogen molecules or atoms can be adsorbed on internal
surfaces. The metal atoms that form the vertices of such
structures can be catalysts or dopants that facilitate the
capture and release cycle. Designed nanoscale architectures
offer unexplored options for effectively controlling reactivity
and bonding to meet the desired storage requirements.
Realizing the promise
A major attraction of hydrogen as a fuel is its natural
compatibility with fuel cells. The higher efficiency of fuel
cells—currently 60% compared to 22% for gasoline or 45% for
diesel internal combustion engines—would dramatically improve
the efficiency of future energy use. Coupling fuel cells to
electric motors, which are more than 90% efficient, converts the
chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical work without heat as
an intermediary. This attractive new approach for energy
conversion could replace many traditional heat engines. The
broad reach of that efficiency advantage is a strong driver for
deploying hydrogen fuel cells widely.
Although fuel cells are more efficient, there are also good
reasons for burning hydrogen in heat engines for transportation.
Jet engines and internal combustion engines can be rather easily
modified to run on hydrogen instead of hydrocarbons. Internal
combustion engines run as much as 25% more efficiently on
hydrogen compared to gasoline and produce no carbon emissions.
The US and Russia have test−flown commercial airliners with jet
engines modified to burn hydrogen.9 Similarly,
BMW, Ford, and Mazda are road− testing cars powered by hydrogen
internal combustion engines that achieve a range of 300
kilometers, and networks of hydrogen filling stations are being
implemented in some areas of the US, Europe, and Japan. Such
cars and filling stations could provide an early start and a
transitional bridge to hydrogen fuel−cell transportation.
The versatility of fuel cells makes them workable in nearly any
application where electricity is useful. Stationary plants
providing 200 kilowatts of neighborhood electrical power are
practical and operating efficiently. Such plants can connect to
the electrical grid to share power but are independent of the
grid in case of failure. Fuel−cell power for consumer
electronics like laptop computers, cell phones, digital cameras,
and audio players provide more hours of operation than batteries
at the same volume and weight. Although the cost per kilowatt is
high for these small units, the unit cost can soon be within an
acceptable consumer range. Electronics applications may be the
first to widely reach the consumer market, establish public
visibility, and advance the learning curve for hydrogen
The large homogeneous transportation market offers enormous
potential for hydrogen fuel cells to dramatically reduce fossil
fuel use, lower harmful emissions, and improve energy
efficiency. Fuel cells can be used not only in cars, trucks, and
buses, but also can replace the diesel electric generators in
locomotives and power all−electric ships.8Europe
already has a demonstration fleet of 30 fuel−cell buses running
regular routes in 10 cities, and Japan is poised to offer
fuel−cell cars for sale

Figure 5
A host of fundamental performance problems remain to be solved
before hydrogen in fuel cells can compete with gasoline.10 The
heart of the fuel cell is the ionic conducting membrane that
transmits protons or oxygen ions between electrodes while
electrons go through an external load to do their electrical
work, as shown in Figure
5. Each of the half reactions at work in that circuit
requires catalysts interacting with electrons, ions, and gases
traveling in different media. Designing nanoscale architectures
for these triple percolation networks that effectively
coordinate the interaction of reactants with nanostructured
catalysts is a major opportunity for improving fuel−cell
performance. The trick is to get intimate contact of the three
phases that coexist in the cell—the incoming hydrogen or
incoming oxygen gas phase, an electrolytic proton−conducting
phase, and a metallic phase in which electrons flow into or from
the external circuit (see
Physics Today, July 2001, page 22).
A primary factor limiting proton−exchange−membrane (PEM)
fuel−cell performance is the slow kinetics of the oxygen
reduction reaction at the cathode. Even with the best
platinum−based catalysts, the sluggish reaction reduces the
voltage output of the fuel cell from the ideal 1.23 V to 0.8 V
or less when practical currents are drawn. This voltage
reduction is known as the oxygen overpotential. The causes of
the slow kinetics, and solutions for speeding up the reaction,
are hidden in the complex reaction pathways and intermediate
steps of the oxygen reduction reaction. It is now becoming
possible to understand this reaction at the atomic level using
sophisticated surface−structure and spectroscopy tools such as
vibrational spectroscopies, scanning probe microscopy, x−ray
diffraction and spectroscopy, and transmission electron
microscopy.11,12 In
situ electrochemical probes, operating under reaction or near
reaction conditions, reveal the energetics, kinetics, and
intermediates of the reaction pathway and their relation to the
surface structure and composition of the reactants and
catalysts. These powerful new experimental probes, combined with
equally powerful and impressive computational quantum chemistry
using density functional theory,13 are
opening a new chapter in atomic−level understanding of the
catalytic process. The role of such key features as the atomic
con_1figuration of catalysts and their supports, and the
electronic structure of surface−reconstructed atoms and adsorbed
intermediate species, is within reach of fundamental
understanding. These emerging and incisive experimental and
theoretical tools make the field of nanoscale electrocatalysis
ripe for rapid and comprehensive growth. The research is highly
interdisciplinary, incorporating forefront elements of
chemistry, physics, and materials science.
Beyond the oxygen reduction reaction, fuel cells provide many
other challenges. The dominant membrane for PEM fuel cells is
perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA), a polymer built around a C−F
backbone with side chains containing sulfonic acid groups (SO3−)
(for example, Nafion). Beside its high cost, this membrane must
incorporate mobile water molecules into its structure to enable
proton conduction. That restricts its operating temperature to
below the boiling point of water. At this low
temperature—typically around 80°C— expensive catalysts like
platinum are required to make the electrochemical reactions
sufficiently active, but even trace amounts of carbon monoxide
in the hydrogen fuel stream can poison the catalysts. A higher
operating temperature would expand the range of suitable
catalysts and reduce their susceptibility to poisoning.
Promising research directions for alternative proton−conducting
membranes that operate at 100−200°C include sulfonating C−H
polymers rather than C−F polymers, and using inorganic polymer
composites and acid−base polymer blends.14
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) require O2− transport
membranes, which usually consist of perovskite materials
containing specially designed defect structures that become
sufficiently conductive only above 800°C. The high temperature
restricts the construction materials that can be used in SOFCs
and limits their use to special environments like stationary
power stations or perhaps large refrigerated trucks where
adequate thermal insulation and safety can be ensured. Finding
new materials that conduct O2− at
lower temperatures would significantly expand the range of
applications and reduce the cost of SOFCs.
The hydrogen economy has enormous societal and technical appeal
as a potential solution to the fundamental energy concerns of
abundant supply and minimal environmental impact. The ultimate
success of a hydrogen economy depends on how the market reacts:
Does emerging hydrogen technology provide more value than
today's fossil fuels? Although the market will ultimately drive
the hydrogen economy, government plays a key role in the move
from fossil−fuel to hydrogen technology. The investments in R&D
are large, the outcome for specific, promising approaches is
uncertain, and the payoff is often beyond the market's time
horizon. Thus, early government investments in establishing
goals, providing research support, and sharing risk are
necessary to prime the emergence of a vibrant, market−driven
hydrogen economy.
The public acceptance of hydrogen depends not only on its
practical and commercial appeal, but also on its record of
safety in widespread use. The special flammability, buoyancy,
and permeability of hydrogen present challenges to its safe use
that are different from, but not necessarily more difficult
than, those of other energy carriers. Researchers are exploring
a variety of issues: hydrodynamics of hydrogen−air mixtures, the
combustion of hydrogen in the presence of other gases, and the
embrittlement of materials by exposure to hydrogen, for example.
Key to public acceptance of hydrogen is the development of
safety standards and practices that are widely known and
routinely used—like those for self−service gasoline stations or
plug−in electrical appliances. The technical and educational
components of this aspect of the hydrogen economy need careful
Technical progress will come in two forms. Incremental advances
of present technology provide low−risk commercial entry into the
hydrogen economy. Those advances include improving the yield of
natural−gas reforming to lower cost and raise efficiency;
improving the strength of container materials for high−pressure
storage of hydrogen gas; and tuning the design of internal
combustion engines to burn hydrogen. To significantly increase
the energy supply and security, and to decrease carbon emission
and air pollutants, however, the hydrogen economy must go well
beyond incremental advances. Hydrogen must replace fossil fuels
through efficient production using solar radiation,
thermochemical cycles, or bio−inspired catalysts to split water.
Hydrogen must be stored and released in portable solid−state
media, and fuel cells that convert hydrogen to electrical power
and heat must be put into widespread use.
Achieving these technological milestones while satisfying the
market discipline of competitive cost, performance, and
reliability requires technical breakthroughs that come only from
basic research. The interaction of hydrogen with materials
encompasses many fundamental questions that can now be explored
much more thoroughly than ever before using sophisticated
atomic−level scanning probes, in situ structural and
spectroscopic tools at x−ray, neutron, and electron scattering
facilities, and powerful theory and modeling using teraflop
computers. The hope is to solve mysteries that Nature has long
kept hidden, such as the molecular basis of catalysis and the
mechanism that allows plants to split water at room temperature
using sunlight. Nanoscience provides not only new approaches to
basic questions about the interaction of hydrogen with
materials, but also the power to synthesize materials with
custom−designed architectures. This combination of nanoscale
analysis and synthesis promises to create new materials
technology, such as orderly control of the electronic, ionic,
and catalytic processes that regulate the three−phase
percolation networks in fuel cells. Such exquisite control over
materials behavior has never been so near at hand.
The international character of the hydrogen economy is sure to
influence how it develops and evolves globally. Each country or
region of the world has technological and political interests at
stake. Cooperation among nations to leverage resources and
create innovative technical and organizational approaches to the
hydrogen economy is likely to significantly enhance the
effectiveness of any nation that would otherwise act alone. The
emphasis of the hydrogen research agenda varies with country;
communication and cooperation to share research plans and
results are essential.
Will the hydrogen economy succeed? Historical precedents suggest
that it might. New energy sources and carriers have flourished
when coupled with new energy converters. Coal became king as
fuel for the steam engine to power the industrial revolution—it
transformed the face of land transportation from horse and buggy
to rail, and on the sea from sail to steamship.15 Oil
fueled the internal combustion engine to provide automobiles and
trucks that crisscross continents, and later the jet engine to
conquer the skies. Electricity coupled with light bulbs and with
rotary motors to power our homes and industries. Hydrogen has
its own natural energy−conversion partner, the fuel cell.
Together they interface intimately with the broad base of
electrical technology already in place, and they can expand to
propel cars, locomotives, and ships, power consumer electronics,
and generate neighborhood heat and light. Bringing hydrogen and
fuel cells to that level of impact is a fascinating challenge
and opportunity for basic science, spanning chemistry, physics,
biology, and materials.
George Crabtree is
a physicist in the materials science division at Argonne
National Laboratory in Illinois. Mildred
Dresselhaus is
a professor in the department of physics and the department
of electrical engineering and computer science at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Michelle
Buchanan is
a chemist in the chemical sciences division at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory in Tennessee.
1. M. I. Hoffert et al., Nature 395,
891 (1998); Energy Information Administration,International
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available at http://www.eia.
3. US Department of Energy,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Basic
Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy, US DOE,
Washington, DC (2004), available at gov/bes/hydrogen.pdf;
Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, Basic
Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future, US DOE,
Washington, DC (2003), available at;
Committee on Alternatives and Strategies for Future Hydrogen
Production and Use, The
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Needs, National Research Council, National Academies
Press, Washington, DC (2004), available at
5. C. Perkins, A. W. Weimar, Int.
J. Hydrogen Energy (in
9. P. Hoffmann, Tomorrow's
Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a
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10. J. Larminie, A. Dicks, Fuel
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12. P. L. Gai, Top.
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15. B. Freese, Coal:
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