Review: A History of the Kennedy Space Center

by Dwayne A. Day
Monday, January 5,
A History of the Kennedy Space
by Kenneth Lipartito and Orville Butler
University Press of Florida, 2007
hardcover, 496 pages
ISBN 978-0-8130-3069-2
NASA has long had what is probably the most effective contract
history program in the federal government, producing excellent
first drafts of scholarship on various space subjects that
provide a solid foundation for those who follow. The agency
gives its contract historians access to documents and NASA
officials, and virtually unlimited independence in the pursuit
of the story. A
History of the Kennedy Space Center, by Kenneth Lipartito
and Orville Butler, is a very good addition to this canon,
telling the story of the development of the launch facility at
Cape Canaveral, which has not only been vital to the nation’s
space program, but has had a major impact on the economy and
social development of the state of Florida.
Cape Canaveral was originally selected as a missile launch site
by the Air Force for geographic reasons: a long stretch of empty
ocean over which the unmanned missiles and rockets could fly,
and fall. Because many rockets have to launch eastward in order
to go around the Earth, it was a natural location for launching
NASA rockets into space. The site could also be easily reached
by water, so large rocket stages could be shipped there.
Lipartito and Butler
provide an excellent and comprehensive narrative account of
NASA’s development of the area.
When NASA was created in 1958, the agency was assembled out
of pieces of several organizations, most importantly the
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, which had
several field centers, including property in Virginia that
had been used for missile launches. However, it was clear
that Cape Canaveral was the best choice for launching the
agency’s rockets. The Cape was already bustling with work on
the American ballistic missile program, and NASA started by
utilizing Army and Air Force property and equipment. The
Apollo program, though, significantly changed this dynamic.
NASA acquired substantial amounts of property and began
extensive construction in the swamps on Merritt Island. Soon
the agency was building one of the largest enclosed
structures there to house the mighty Saturn V rocket, the
Vehicle Assembly Building. Early workers there faced a
horrific mosquito problem, but they also had to contend with
alligators and poisonous snakes, not to mention wild boars.
After President Kennedy’s assassination the area was renamed
Cape Kennedy, but eventually the name was changed back to
Cape Canaveral, with NASA’s facility named the Kennedy Space
Center, or KSC for short. The major input of cash and
skilled workforce to a relatively sleepy southern state had
a lasting political impact, and one of Florida’s two
senators even flew on a Space Shuttle when he was a
Lipartito and Butler provide an excellent and comprehensive
narrative account of NASA’s development of the area. The
opening chapter explains the myriad tasks involved in the
preparation of the Saturn V rocket and Apollo spacecraft
that carried Apollo 11 to the Moon, illustrating just what
happens at a launch site like KSC. It also makes the point
that once the rocket lifts off, except for analyzing lessons
learned from its preparation, the center’s job is done and
everyone turns their full attention to the next launch.
Kennedy is an example of technical “operations,” rather than
science or research and development.
The authors then recount the initial history of the area,
Air Force and NASA occupancy of reclaimed swampland and
former orange groves, and then the substantial investments
for Apollo. They also discuss the impact of all that
construction and technical work on the local region,
formerly sleepy fishing and farming communities. They
discuss the downturn in work—and the local economy—as the
result of the end of the Apollo program, and then changes
implemented for the Space Shuttle program, which required
some new construction, but largely relied upon the existing
Apollo infrastructure. The authors then discuss both Shuttle
operations and the two tragic accidents, Challenger in 1986
and Columbia in 2003. In both cases, NASA’s safety culture
was identified as a culprit. However, although the vehicles
are maintained and readied for launch at KSC, the program is
managed from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, and it was
Johnson officials who were ultimately culpable for ignoring
evidence that the vehicles were in danger.
This is not a dry
policy or bureaucratic history. As the authors point out,
KSC is in many ways the most physical and blue-collar of the
NASA centers. It is where people turn wrenches and stack
rockets. But they also note that it takes planning to turn a
wrench on something as complex as a rocket or spacecraft. At
times the people planning and managing the program, often
from far away, resisted input and observations from those
doing the work in Florida.
As the authors point out, KSC is in many
ways the most physical and blue-collar of the NASA centers. It
is where people turn wrenches and stack rockets.
Lipartito and Butler have truly done an impressive amount of
research, well-documented in footnotes. They have culled a
wide array of sources, including official records, memoirs,
and local news media accounts that provide not only facts
but also flavor to the story. Unfortunately, although they
do not admit this, KSC’s documentary records are less than
desirable. This may have affected their history in a subtle
way: the reality of KSC is that contractors have carried
most of the burden at the space center virtually since the
beginning, yet the book understates their involvement. That
may be an oversight, or it may be an unfortunate situation
that all historians face when they have to use the
historical records that have been preserved, which do not
always reflect the full story. Private contractors are
notoriously bad at preserving their own history, and they
rarely give outsiders access, thus they often get left out
of the history books.
The book is very readable, and manages to bring the subject
alive. It is a little dense and specialized for an average
reader, but even someone with no knowledge of the history of
spaceflight would find it engaging and informative. This is
an excellent comprehensive history of the subject.
Dwayne Day can be
reached at
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