So how do you take the temperature of one of the most exotic
objects in the Universe? A neutron star (~1.35 to 2.1 solar
masses, measuring only 24 km across) is the remnant of a
supernova after a large star has died. Although they are not
massive enough become a black hole, neutron stars still accrete
matter, pulling gas from a binary partner, often undergoing
prolonged periods of flaring.

Accretion can cause neutron stars to flare violently
Fortunately, we can observe X-ray flares (using instrumentation
such as Chandra),
but it isn't the flare itself that can reveal the temperature or
structure of a neutron star.
At the AAS conference last week, details about the results from
an X-ray observing campaign of MXB 1659-29, a quasi-persistent
X-ray transient source (i.e. a neutron star that flares for long
periods), revealed some fascinating insights to the physics of
neutron stars, showing that as the crust of a neutron star
cools, the crustal composition is revealed and the temperature
of these exotic supernova remnants can be measured…
During a flare outburst, neutron stars generate X-rays. These
X-ray sources can be measured and their evolution tracked. In
the case of MXB 1659-29, Ed Cackett (Univ. of Michigan) used
data from NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) to monitor
the cooling of the neutron star crust after an extended period
of X-ray flaring. MXB 1659-29 flared for 2.5 years until it
"turned off" in September 2001. Since then, the source was
periodically observed to measure the exponential decrease in
X-ray emissions.
So why is this important? After a long period of X-ray flaring,
the crust of a neutron star will heat up. However, it is thought
that the core of the neutron star will remain comparatively
cool. When the neutron star stops flaring (as the accretion of
gas, feeding the flare, shuts off), the heating source for the
crust is lost. During this period of "quiescence" (no flaring),
the diminishing X-ray flux from the cooling neutron star crust
reveals a huge wealth of information about the characteristics
of the neutron star.

The cross section of a neutron star
During quiescence, astronomers will observe X-rays emitted from
the surface of the neutron star (as opposed to the flares), so
direct measurements can be made of the neutron star. In his
presentation, Cackett examined how the X-ray flux from MXB
1659-29 reduced exponentially and then levelled off at a
constant flux. This means the crust cooled rapidly after the
flaring, eventually reaching thermal equilibrium with the
neutron star core. Therefore, by using this method, the neutron
star core temperature can be inferred.
Including the data from another neutron star X-ray transient KS
1731-260, the cooling rates observed during the onset of
quiescence suggests these objects have well-ordered crustal
lattices with very few impurities. The rapid temperature
decrease (from flare to quiescence) took approximately 1.5 years
to reach thermal equilibrium with the neutron star core. Further
work will now be carried out using Chandra data so more
information about these rapidly spinning exotic objects can be
Suddenly, neutron stars became a little less
mysterious to me in the 10 minute talk last Tuesday, I love
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