Year in Materials
Stretchable electronics and the
strongest material ever were just two achievements of 2008.
By Katherine
the material behind one of our 10 emerging technologies of
2008, stayed in the news all year. In July, researchers who
poked the single-atom-thick carbon sheets with the tip of an
atomic force microscope confirmed that graphene is thestrongest
material ever tested.
But most of the graphene community, includingKostya
Novoselov, one of
the first to make graphene and one of TR's
top 35 innovators under 35 in 2008, is interested in
graphene's electrical properties. Last month, two separate
groups of researchers reported that they had made fast
graphene transistors that
could be used for wireless communications. Other researchers
addressed the problem of manufacturing graphene. Novoselov
and his collaborators originally made the single-atom-thick
hydrocarbon sheets by crushing graphite between two layers
of tape. But more scalable graphene-manufacturing
technologies will be needed for the material to be adopted
by the chip industry. One group at the University of
California, Los Angeles, developed a simple
method for
making large sheets of graphene by dissolving graphite in

World’s strongest material: Researchers
who probed single-atom-thick graphene with a sharp diamond tip
found that it’s the strongest material ever tested. The
illustration shows the atomic structure of graphene, a mesh of
carbon and hydrogen atoms.
Credit: Jeffrey Kysar, Columbia University
Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials Safety
Researchers made a number of advances in understanding how to
make nanomaterials that take a drug straight to diseased cells
in the body, which should improve the efficacy and safety of
therapies for cancer and many other diseases. They found thatnanoparticles
shaped like
bacteria did a better job getting inside cells, and developed
ways to get drugs to the right subcellular
machine. And they made major progress in developing agents
to deliver RNA. Delivery has been one of the biggest
obstacles to a promising therapeutic technique called RNA
interference, which uses strands of RNA to muffle the activity
of disease genes. A method for screening large numbers of
fatty-molecule carriers allowed the company Alnylam
Pharmaceuticals to
make carriers for delivering RNA to respiratory cells and other
targets in mice.
However, there was some bad news this year about the safety of
nanomaterials. Two studies in mice suggested that carbon
nanotubes could behave like
asbestos in
the lungs, causing cancer. Whether the nanotubes can, like
asbestos, be easily inhaled is just one of many remaining
questions. Nanomaterials are diverse in their chemistry and
structure, and it's difficult to make generalizations about
their safety. One study this year attempted to address this
diversity. Researchers developed a method forscreening a
diverse group of nanomaterials in large numbers and in many
kinds of human cells.
Stretchable, Flexible, Wearable Electronics
Other researchers integrated carbon nanotubes into a number of
devices. Researchers in Japan made a stretchy
electronic circuit by
adding carbon nanotubes to a polymer, creating a material that
could be used to make stretchable displays and simple computers
that wrap around furniture. In China, researchers made thin,
speakers from
carbon nanotubes. And researchers in Illinois made stretchable
silicon electrical
circuits whose performance equals that of their rigid
By coating cotton thread with a mixture of carbon nanotubes and
a conductive polymer, researchers in Michigan made fabrics that
can perform sophisticated computation and act as wearable
biosensors whose sensitivity to biological molecules rivals that
of conventional diagnostics.