Javadi a and F. Forouzbakhsh b
a Invited
professor of Faculty of Science at Azad Islamic University in Tehran
campuses., Tehran, Iran
b Academic
Researcher of Research & Technology Dept. at University of Tehran.,
Tehran, Iran
farshidforouz@yahoo.com &
1- Introduction
2- What a CPH is?
3- Definition of a CPH
4- Principle of the CPH theory
5- Energy and Momentum of a CPH
6- Everything is made of CPHs
7- CPH Theory and Special Relativity Theory
8- Relativistic mass and CPH theory
9- What time is really?
10-Time Function
11-Time function and work-energy theorem
12- Zero volume, infinity density and CPH theory
13- Repulsive gravitational Force
14- Repulsive Gravitational Force and CPH Theory
Einstein’s theory of gravity is not consistent with quantum mechanics,
because general relativity cannot be quantized. [1]
But without conversion of force and energy, it is impossible to find a
grand unified theory. A very important result of CPH theory is time
function that allows we give a new description of absolute black hole
and before the big bang.
Keywords: dilation time, black hole, positron, repulsive gravity
force, graviton, clock, spin, time function and Hamiltonian.
1- Introduction
Einstein’s theory of gravity is not consistent with quantum mechanics,
because general relativity cannot be quantized. Although the super
string theory is the only theory which provides a consistent quantum
description of gravity.
Supper string theory reclaims that it unifies gravity with the other
forces, and so it is a theory that could provide a unified description
of all the forces and the all matters in the universe. [1]
But Creative Particles of Higgs Theory (CPH Theory) claims that without
conversion of force and energy, it is impossible to find a grand unified
theory and to combine general relativity with quantum mechanics. Also,
we should reconsider the four theories; classical mechanics, quantum
mechanics, relativity and Higgs simultaneously. A very important result
of CPH theory is time function that allows we give a new description of
absolute black hole and before the big bang. The CPH theory is based on
a definition and a principle which will be described as the CPH
Principle and it will be discussed as below.
2- What a CPH is?
A CPH is an existence unit of nature, which has being named Creative
particle Higgs and everything, is made of CPHs. A CPH has been named a
particle, because there would be found no any word in physics for
calling this existence unit of nature. But there is no idea about the
formation of a CPH in the CPH Theory.
3- Definition of a CPH
A CPH is a Particle with constant mass, mCPH that moves with
a constant speed of VCPH in any inertial reference frame when
it is alone. According the relation mass-energy;

The mass of photon

mass of a CPH defined relative to photon's mass
According to this fact that photon moves by speed of light c and it
has spin. So, if we image a photon as a sphere with radius r, for
a point on it we have
angular velocity. So, according to relation (2)
when a CPH is alone (without spinning) it moves with
VCPH so that VCPH>c. Also, when a CPH is
alone and it has spin, it calls graviton in CPH theory (Fig; 1).

Fig 1- a CPH in two cases without spin
and with spin
So, a CPH is a tiny energy (or mass) with momentum p=mCPHVCPH.
4- Principle of the CPH theory
A CPH is a particle with constant mass (mCPH)
which moves with a constant magnitude of speed, which is equal to
The CPH has a momentum of inertia
I in
any interaction between itself and the other existing particles, the
magnitude of VCPH
is constant and it never changes. Therefore,
VCPH = 0 in all inertial
reference frames in any space
5- Energy and Momentum of a CPH
=constant, so, in general case a CPH has two movements; one transfer and
the other one spin. Also a CPH has two kinds of energy, transferring and
spinning. So, if we use Hamiltonian for a CPH, then we can write as the
here T is transferring energy and S is spinning energy of a CPH.

Properties of a CPH
Therefore, according to above properties of a CPH, spin of CPH is a
fundamental quantity in the CPH theory, so in Hamiltonian relation,
potential energy has been replaced by spinning energy.
6- Everything is made of CPHs
As General Relativity theory has predicted and also experiments show,
the frequency of photons changes in a gravitational field that given by;

Under gravitational field, increasing and decreasing of photon’s energy
accomplish gradually. As photon’s energy has been combined of electrical
energy and magnetic energy, so in red-shift (energy decreasing) and
blue-shift (energy increasing) electrical and magnetic energy of photon
do change.
According to the above relation when photon
is falling in gravitation field, gravity works on it and the energy of
photon (also, it’s mass) increases. According to the graviton
conception, the gravitational field is made of gravitons. Gravity is a
force and force is energy per distance, F=-du/dx. So, when photon
is falling inside the gravitational field, graviton enters to the
structure of photon. During this action, a graviton disappears and the
energy of photon increases. Therefore, when energy decays, it produces
Matter and Anti-Matter. In fact everything has been formed of CPHs (Fig

Fig 2- a CPH essentially has spin in
structure of everything.
Also, when a photon is escaping of a
gravitational black hole, it shifts to zero and the energy of photon
converts to gravitons.
7- CPH Theory and Special Relativity Theory
The special relativity has been provided with two principles:
The laws of physics are the
same in all inertial frames of reference.
The speed of light in a
vacuum is a universal constant (c) which is independent of the
motion of the light source.
Why the speed of light is constant? According to relation (3) of CPH
properties and the above section, a photon is made of CPHs; all elements
in structure of photon obey the following relation:

Therefore, VCPH is dependent to nothing. Also, v and vs
depend to the external forces that apply to a photon (or a CPH). When a
photon moves in a vacuum in inertial frames no force acts on it, so vs
and v never change. A part of v relates to movement of CPH around the y
and z axis and the other part is photon's propagation on x axis which is
constant (Fig 3).

Fig 3- Two CPH paths as a part of photon
The spin of a CPH and its movements around y and z axis depend on
interaction between CPHs in structure of a photon. It shows that v on x
axis should be constant and equal to limitation of speed in inertial
frame which is equal to c in vacuum. So, the constant speed of light in
vacuum and in inertial frames is quite logical and it is not by chance.
We can conclude this fact that a photon appears at the speed of light,
so no any observer would be able to see the photon at rest condition.
Therefore, only and only photon exists at light speed.
8- Relativistic mass and CPH theory
In classical mechanics the linear momentum of a particle is defined by
P=mv and in a two-body collision, the total momentum P=M1v1+M2v1
is conserved, and the mass of an object is independent from
its velocity.
Einstein was quite sure that momentum conservation must always hold that
he rescued it with a bold hypothesis: the mass of an object must depend
on its speed! In fact, the mass must increase with speed in just such a
way as to cancel out the lower y-direction velocity resulting
from time dilation. That is to say, if an object at rest has a mass M,
moving at a speed v it will have a mass M/sqrt(1 - v²/c²).
Note that this is an undetectably small effect at ordinary speeds, but
as an object approaches the speed of light, the mass increases without
limit! [2]
According the CPH Theory, the mass of anything depends on its speed, but
increasing of its mass has a limit. Now, let us consider that in the
elastic collision of two objects with masses M1, M2
(M1, is moving with speed v1 and M2
is at rest) described below (Fig 4), the interaction is assumed to
take place at a negligibly short time-interval and the velocities of the
objects observed on the O frame, before and after the interaction are
given below:

Fig 4- during collision, a lot CPHs
exchange between objects
The total energy of a CPH is ECPH=T+S=constant,
according to relation (4) of CPH properties. Here T is transferring
energy and S is spinning energy of a CPH.
8-1-Before Collision
object contains n CPH (relation 4 of CPH properties)
M2: |
Yellow object contains k CPH

8-2-During collision:
According CPH Theory when a force applied on an object and object's
velocity increases (in an inertial frame) a lot of CPH enters to
the object. During present collision red object
looses energy and yellow object gets energy. Because
mass (or energy of an object depends to the number of CPH it).
So, the mass of red object decreases and the mass
of yellow object increases. Exchanging CPHs
between them is a current flow. A lot of CPH leaves yellow object and
enter to red object, also a lot of CPH goes of
red object to yellow object. But the number of CPHs which correspond are
not equal (Fig 5). Suppose the number of CPHs
which enters into yellow object is n1.

Fig 5- During collision, n1
CPH enter into yellow object
The red object velocity changes from v1
to v'1 and
yellow object takes v2
velocity. So:
Red object velocity
and mass changes from M1
, v1
v'1 |
Yellow object mass and energy change from M2
, 0 to M’2 and v2 |

During collision when a CPH leaves the red object, it moves with a limit
speed in the frame which the speed of transferring of energy is equal to
c. So, the force which applied on objects given by:

8-3- CPH Theory and Newton's second law
This force that has been applied on yellow object during dt is F that
given by;

Because in dt the mass of M2 increases of M2
to M'2
that is M’2=M2+ n1mCPH
. But for finding pure mass in dt, we should
consider that the number of CPHs which enters into M2 is
average between 0 and n1mCPH,
equals to:
because at the first, no CPH had entered into
yellow object and n1
belongs to at the end of time dt. So pure force
given by;

The same force with opposite direction has been applied to red object.
So, yellow object acceleration is
positive and red object takes negative
acceleration. This is a different looking inside relativistic momentum.
This conclusion is the mechanism of increasing of mass in relativity
mechanics which its relation has been given as below:

8-4- Limit of increasing mass in CPH Theory
According to the relativistic length, and relativistic mass, volume
decreases to zero and mass increases to infinity. But according the CPH
principle, increasing the of volume of a mass is correct until the CPHs
contact with each other in structure of mass. When CPHs touch each
other, then at this time they repel each other like an explosion,
because they all have spin. This is why that nothing is able to travel
at the speed of light.

Before than length goes to zero, system explodes causes contact of CPHs
9- What time is really?
Previously it’s quite clear that Isaac Newton founded classical
mechanics on the view that space is something distinct from body
and that time is something that passes uniformly without regard
to whatever happens in the world. For this reason he spoke of
absolute space and absolute time, so as to distinguish these
entities from the various ways by which we measure them which he called
relative spaces and relative times. [6]
From the other hand, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity predicted
that time does not flow at a fixed rate: moving clocks appear to tick
more slowly relative to their stationary counterparts. [4]

Time depends to velocity
But this effect only becomes really significant at very high velocities
that approach the speed of light.
When "generalized" to include gravitation, the equations of relativity
predict that gravity, or the curvature of space-time by matter, not only
stretches or shrinks distances (depending on their direction with
respect to the gravitational field) but also will appear to slow down or
"dilate" the flow of time.
Using the equivalence principle we know that the same
relation must apply of there is a difference in gravitational potential
between two
points B and A in a gravitational field. i.e. [5]

( no
gravitational field ) and B is taken to be a general point with
position vector r, we expect

is negative, the
time measured on B's clock (as seen by A at infinity) is
less than the time measured on A's clock, i.e. clocks run
slow in a gravitational field.
So, clocks run (that have proof by test) show following results:
1- In inertial frame; when velocity increases, clock runs slower
(special relativity).
2- Gravitational field; a clock records time diminishes as gravity
increases (general relativity).
Now in below the solution of CPH theory to the above problems will be
According to CPH theory everything is made of CPHs and definition of
CPH, as below;

A CPH is a tiny energy, unit existence in
Also, a CPH moves with limit of speed in universe (principle of CPH).
And according to relativity, time stops in speed of light and photon
moves with light speed, so, no time passes of CPH (the unit existence in
universe). In the other word, everything in universe (and even universe)
is made of units that no time has been passing of it. This conception is
very important to understand the nature of time. What time is, really?
For finding the answer of above question, of the first we should answer
this question: what is a clock? The answer of last question returns to
this fact that everything is made of energy and converts to energy, too
(E=mc2). Energy is forming of CPHs, and on time has been
passing of CPH. But everything behaves as a clock. In fact everything is
a clock. A photon, an electron, an atom, earth, galaxy and even visible
universe, each one is a clock. Everything has a starting point in space
with its lifetime. So, in general form everything is a space time.
Our ideas about time come up of clocks. There is no time without a
clock? Newton thought clock shows time, and there is a clock that shows
absolute time in universe, and time is something that passes
uniformly without regard to whatever happens in the world. Einstein
showed running of clocks depends to velocity and gravity density, and
time is stoppable. But something that stops is a clock running.
A man is a clock, and this causes we get an image of time differentiable
of a clock. No one is able thinks about time without any imagining of a
Time without clock never is imaginable. Time is a name for a clock
running same as motion for an object movement. We are able to resolve
many historical problems of time by this conception about time and
clock. These problems explained down of present article.
10-Time Function
According to above view about clocks, so the properties of CPH enable us
to explain that how a clock is running and how it slows. Properties of
CPH relations (3) and (4) show that transferring movement of CPH
converts to spinning movement and vise versa. So, time function depends
on (v, s) or (T, S),

Time function depends to spinning of CPH
in clock structure
Everything is a clock and its time function defined by t=t(s, v). When
a clock has been forming, its running depends to perimeter conditions.
When a force acts on it, s and v do change. An inertial observer is able
to explain running clock in inertial frame and gravitational frame by
function t=t(s, v). There is a simple analysis about dilation time in
CPH theory that is based on time function and work energy theorem. This
analysis allows every inertial observer resolves dilation time problems
so easy.
11-Time function and work-energy theorem
According the CPH principle the spin of CPH depends to intensity of
external forces that applied on it. Usually an observer will compares
running of a clock with other clock or with its last situation. Suppose
an inertial observer is sawing a clock at situation A, a force applied
on it and clock goes to situation B, suppose the work of force is W,
1- W>0, clock runs slow at situation B relative A.
2- W<0, clock runs faster at situation B relative A.
3- W=0, clock runs at situation B same as A.
In inertial frame; according work energy theorem W=E2-E1,
if W>0, then E2>E1 and v2>v1.
So, clock works slower than before. When W<0, then E2<E1
and v2<v1. For W=0, v2=v1.
(See dilation time in special relativity).
In gravitational field; W>0, gravity force and replacement have
same direction. Clock goes of high h1 to h2, so h1>h2
and clock runs slow at h2 relative h1. W<0, so h1<h2,
clock goes upward and it runs faster at h1 relative h2.
W=0, h1=h2, clock runs same at h1 and h2.
(See dilation time in general relativity).
According CPH Theory, when CPH enters to clock, clock runs slower that
before. If CPH leaves clock, it runs faster than before. According
relation (4) of CPH properties, given by;

Relative a far inertial observer
When W>0,
then as collision explanation shows, a lot CPH enters into yellow object
and its velocity increases, so yellow clock runs slow than before
(everything is a clock). In gravitational field when W>0, then object
should goes of high h1 to h2 that h1>h2.
Compare weight of a clock at two high h1 and h2
relative the earth surface.
This view of
a clock running is very simply and useful tool to calculate and
comparison clocks running.
1- A satellite is moving around the earth at high h and with speed v.
Compare its clock A with other one B on surface of the earth. Work on
clock A relative clock B relative a far inertial observer:
energy clock A + work of earth gravity on clock A, and WB=0
work of earth gravity on clock A is negative.
2- Clock A on the surface of moon and B on the earth.
Relative a far inertial observer;
and vmoon>vearth, because moon is moving around
the earth
12- Zero volume, infinity density and CPH theory
When a star collapses, its radius decreases. Then its intensity of
gravity increases. So, according time function t=t(s,v), s increases for
everything in the block hole and every clock runs slow. The range R of a
projectile given by;

So, the ranges of projectiles depend to
intensity of gravity. Suppose projectile is a photon and
so R=c2/g. R will be zero when g goes to infinity or c goes
to zero. But g on the surface of a body given by g=GM/r2, for
g infinity there should M be infinity or r=0 in block hole. These items
are unacceptable and intangible. But according principle of CPH it is
acceptable that c goes to zero. Because as relation (3) of CPH
properties shows all transferring velocity of CPH converts to spin. As
time function t=t(s, v) results, when s increases clock runs slow and
for v=0, s will be maximize, then clock stops and no time passes in this
kind of black holes.
When v goes to zero in black hole, then
black hole will turns to an especial case that calls absolute black hole
in CPH theory.
13- Repulsive gravitational Force
Newton’s universal gravitational law shows that gravitational forces
were always attractive. If gravity always attracts, then it is logical
to ask why the universe doesn’t collapse. Newton had answered this
question by saying that if the universe was infinite in all directions,
then it would have no geometric center toward which it would collapse;
the forces on any particular star or planet exerted by distant parts of
the universe would tend to cancel out by symmetric.
More careful calculations, however, show that Newton’s universe would
have a tendency to collapse on smaller scales: any part of the universe
that happened to be slightly denser than average would contract further,
and this contraction would result in stronger gravitational forces,
which would cause even more rapid contraction, and so on.
When Einstein overhauled gravity, the same problem reared its ugly head.
Like Newton, Einstein was predisposed to believe in a universe that was
static, so he added a special repulsive term to his equations, intended
to prevent a collapse. This term was not associated with any attraction
of mass for mass, but represented merely an overall tendency for space
itself to expand unless restrained by the matter that inhabited it. It
turns out that Einstein’s solution, like Newton’s, is unstable.
Furthermore, it was soon discovered observationally that the universe
was expanding, and this was interpreted by creating the Big Bang model,
in which the universe’s current expansion is the aftermath of a
fantastically hot explosion. An expanding Universe, unlike a static one,
was capable of being explained with Einstein’s Equations, without any
repulsion term. The universe’s expansion would simply slow down over
time due to the attractive gravitational forces. After these
developments, Einstein said woefully that adding the repulsive term,
known as the cosmological constant, had been the greatest blunder of his
life. [3]
14- Repulsive Gravitational Force and CPH Theory
Black hole absorbs particles and objects. Its density increases, so
gravity force does strongly so much. When v reaches to zero, in other
word all transferring movements of CPH had been changed to spin, so body
takes critical conditions (Absolute black hole), that given by:

Critical condition in an absolute black
So, ECPH=S, and it is the limit increasing mass of a body.
Now consider to time function t=t(T, S), according CPH principle, this
is the limit of work on a clock Also, time function and work energy
theorem results all clocks stop in absolute black hole. According CPH
principle, all CPHs have mass and they are spinning near each other, so,
never volume of a body goes to zero.
However; volume of absolute black hole decreases so much and distance
between CPHs decreases too. When CPHs contact, their spin cases they
repel each other. Upon clashes of CPHs, the reaction domino effect
causes absolute black hole explodes.
Before of exploding, time had stopped by increasing of CPHs spin, after
exploding time stops by increasing v of CPHs, because they move with
speed VCPH that is greater than c.
A far inertial observer how is looking at this part of universe saw: A
star collapses and disappears for long time. Because a black hole forms
and no light comes of it. Black hole grows and changes to absolute black
hole (observer is seeing nothing). Absolute black hole explodes and CPHs
go every side, they combine with each other, then photons do form. After
a long time photons reach to observer witness colliding bodies or
Summary following tables are comparisons between CPH Theory and
Relativity theory.
Quantities in special relativity and CPH theory
Theory |
Reason |
Clock runs |
Volume |
Density |
Special relativity |
Increasing speed |
Slows |
Decreases to zero |
Increases |
CPH Theory |
Increasing speed |
Slows |
Decreases until contact between CPHs |
Increases |
Quantities in general relativity and CPH theory
Theory |
Reason |
Clock runs |
Volume |
Density |
General relativity |
Increasing intensity of gravity |
Slows |
Decreases to zero |
Increases to infinity |
CPH Theory |
Increasing intensity of gravity |
Slows |
Decreases until contact between CPHs |
Increases until contact between
CPHs |
Infinity density and zero volume are not experimentally. Also, big bang
happened of an absolute black hole explosion.
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