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  CPH Theory is based  on  Generalized light velocity from energy  into mass.


CPH Theory in Journals



A review of the new theory about Blak Hole




The following article is a review of the new theory

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   In previous articles, it was fully astounded that the causes of concentrated gravitational forces and some lateral phenomenon around blackhole and it was wholly discussed. But, to be more precise and gain a deep insight into the subject, we are forced to repeat some points.

We know that gravity around a blackhole is so intense that no matter can escape it, save for some specific conditions, as explained in previous articles. we can look at this gravity force from some standpoints. the gravity force created in gravity field is carried by graviton particles and affect other particles. first, we invite you to imagine a blackhole. Suppose that this blackhole has a high attraction force and a downward speed. The question here is how the particles are sucked in? The answer we can offer is that these particles hit the surface in a fairly straight line and the direction they come in. Now, imagine this blackhole with its speed upward. In this mode, the particles are not pulled up like the previous scenario. The reason is that when the blackhole collapses, it spirals upward and make the space and time or graviton particles spin around itself. Therefore, the direction of the particles is oriented to the movement of graviton particles. Particles stop circular movement near the surface of the balckhole. Now, we expand the same incident to the whole blackhole and continue the paper that if graviton particles which carry the energy spin around blackhole, will they spin with a constant speed?


The answer is : no.

Before answering the question fully, lets give an example: if a satellite is carried above the atmosphere by a powerful missile and leave it there, what will happen? the answer is clear: the satellite would crash onto the earth at high speed after a few minutes. But, if the satellite is launched by another missile with a constant speed, the satellite would not hit the earth and start orbiting with a regular frequency. In a blackhole, the same thing holds true. The whirling of the blackhole plays the same role that the missile does for the satellite. But, if this circular movement is transferred to the poles of the blackhole, there would be a different case.

As seen in figure 1, a particle with a specific angle is moving toward the blackhole which is whirling at high speed, thus making the space around it turn too. if this particle exerts force onto the time, space or graviton particles and move in a circular mode on them, it will get closer to the blackhole at increasing movement toward the center.  It happens while a centripetal velocity is exerted onto it in a straight line due to the spinning toward the vertical line passing through the center of the circle.


In figure 2, the center of gravity of the particle is considered as a particle moving on the circular line. Two forces of weight and fulcrum verticality impact the particle. if the coordinates axis are considered vertical and horizontal, it is necessary to break the vertical force into its components.


Considering the above explanations, the total force is the final force exerted on the particle gained from the resultant of weight and fulcrum verticality. You may have noticed that the angle between vertical force and positive direction of the vertical axis is perpendicular to alpha (because, the direction of vertical force is perpendicular on the profile gradient and the direction of the vertical axis is perpendicular to the horizontal surface. And, as you may know, when the sides of two angles are perpendicular on each other, they are equal angles). All the calculations inside the even horizon are credible.


After above explanations, I have to say on the creation of blackhole that because the particle or the graviton particles have accelerated circular movement, exerting opposite force on its movement wall (other graviton particles), therefore, these particles which contain gravitation force, turn away from the center of movement. Thus, a hole starting from event horizon, stretches to the surface of the blackhole. The particles move between the hole surface, with event horizon being on one side and the intense gravity-void space on the other side. (figure2).


The total force exerted is always more than weight force, save for straight line passing the equator of the blackhole. Only in this mode, the net force is equal to the force of weight because the vertical force level of the fulcrum does not affect the object.

The examination of the events occurring around the blackhole has been an interesting task for many of the professional astronomers in the research centers around the world. The reason is that this phenomenon is different from the others we know.  This difference aroused the curiosity of the scientists.


The particles thrown outward from around these bodies, contain a lot of energy. Also, their emitted electro-magnetic spectrum covers an area of radio waves and x rays. These waves have a lot of energy. The sole source of producing such radiations can only massive and dense masses that throw particles outside like an accelerator. It must be noted that this energy and particle emission does not happen all through the blackhole. There are certain regions for the emission of such particles and photons. The reason for this the intense density of these masses which create intense changes in the space surrounding them.


In explaining this matter, it has to be said that the space around a blackhole is different from the space farther from it or the space around a less massive mass such as the Earth. This difference makes some specific characters for the blackhole. For instance, the thing named as event horizon by scientists is the space-time difference around a blackhole. The event horizon is an area where space and time are remarkably different at its both sides.


Considering the above explanations, the making of space holes around a blackhole can be described. The space hole is created by the overstretch and this overstretch is made by the gravity of the blackhole  This process can be explained in details below.


At the end of a star's life, when it faces a big supernova explosion and heavy materials are driven toward the center, thus becoming very massive. This gives rise to powerful gravitational force and some of the thrown-out gases are absorbed again. these gases are set spinning by the intense gravitation force of the blackhole. This very fast stage causes the center-tending force to be concentrated toward the poles of the blackhole. A great deal of ambient gasses starts moving towards the poles and spin there at great speed. At this stage that the blackhole gets a bit intense, it collapses completely and the gravity starts the swallow the space at a location little far from the even horizon. This swallowing is done at a remarkable rate at the poles of the blackhole in such a way that two very deep holes whose size and mass depend on the size and depth of the blackhole are created at the poles of the blackhole, sucking the material into the blackhole. The sucked particles reach a speed close to the light's at locations near the blackhole. these accelerated particles take some different shapes or swallowed or absorbed by the blackhole. When they get close to the speed of light near the blackhole, they emit types of electromagnetic waves at different wavelengths. It must be noted that because these particles specifically pass through the hole, their emitted photons move along this hole and are either thrown outside from inside of the hole or move inside the hole. Also, the particles arriving inside the hole may not be taking into the blackhole due to high speed and be thrown outside from the side of the blackhole. In this mode, if they do not collide with the surrounding gasses can be hurled outside at a location around the equator of the blackhole. These particles at this moment have great energy and scatter into the space at a speed near light's.    



Amin Mahmoood Nezhad




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Since 1962 I doubted on Newton's laws. I did not accept the infinitive speed and I found un-vivid the laws of gravity and time.

I learned the Einstein's Relativity, thus I found some answers for my questions. But, I had another doubt of Infinitive Mass-Energy. And I wanted to know why light has stable speed?




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