Mimicking the Standard Model Higgs Boson in UMSSM
Submitted on 1 Feb 2012
by the recent results in the standard model (SM) Higgs boson
search at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) we investigate the
SM-like CP-even Higgs boson of the U(1)'-extended minimal
supersymmetric standard model (UMSSM) and its branching ratio
into the b b-bar, W W*, and \chi^0_1 \chi^0_1 modes. In the
Summer 2011, a 2 sigma excess was reported in the channel H -> W
W* -> l+ nu l- nu-bar around 130 - 140 GeV range. Later on in
December 2011 announcements were made that an excess was seen in
the 124-126 GeV range, while the SM Higgs boson above 131 GeV up
to about 600 GeV is ruled out. We examine two scenarios of these
mass ranges: (i) 130 GeV < M_{h_{SM-like}} < 141 GeV and show
that the Higgs boson can decay into invisible neutralinos to
evade the SM bound; and (ii) 120 GeV < M_{h_{\rm SM-like}} < 130
GeV and show that the Higgs boson can avoid decaying into
neutralinos and thus gives enhanced rates into visible
particles. We use the \eta model of E_6 with TeV scale
supersymmetry to illustrate the idea by scanning the parameter
space to realize these two different scenarios.
Source: Arxiv.org
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