Fred Wilber
Studying social science is a disappointment. Instead of
knowledge correcting human fallacy, it allows us to remain
savages even while understanding why we are.
Not expecting people to change, my only anticipation is what�s
going on with invention and the refinement of things already in
Without Popular Science magazines for inspiration, I would just
go to bed.
The December issue introduces the Hadron Collider (not the
neighborhood girl who can�t drive). The last time the world took
serious issue with splitting atoms we found a way to blow up the
world farther out into space and deeper into the ground. The
collider�s mission, while operating three hundred feet below
ground, is morally above ground.
This ten-billion-dollar device is in a seventeen mile circular
tube required ten thousand engineers and physicists and fourteen
years to assemble.
The thing houses twelve hundred thirty-five-ton magnets, each
fifty feet long. Pull the switch on this baby and it fires a
stream of protons around the track at nearly the speed of light.
All this going on and who knew? We�re talking particle physics
here, particles pushed by four thousand seven hundred miles of
titanium cable. There�s probably enough titanium there to give
everybody in China a hip joint.
When this carnival ride is cranked up, it will only operate when
slightly above absolute zero, the temperature of way, way out
deep space. Worried about what happens if something gets jarred
a baby-hair width out of alignment? It shuts itself off.
This isn�t your mother�s Mixmaster. Wind her up and six hundred
million protons will collide in one second. Remember, it all
started with the atom, a unit of energy, and following every
disintegrating blast, the shed energy particles got smaller�so
small they are only theories.
Now, we�re down to the boson particle, named after a guy named
Higgs who thinks the boson could be the base particle of all
particles. They call it the �God� particle.
We have Nobel Prize winners who think this little spark is how
it all began. If you have come this far, you have to take my
explanations as simplified by ignorance, and very possibly
incorrect, but like the blasting for bosons, I�ll keep
The sneaky side deal in particle physics is chasing the
single-deity, creation theory. The proof of a single spark
theory could suggest a finite universe conclusion, putting
pressure on the infinity argument. OK, so there goes my Nobel
Prize since I�m on the infinity side; it�s just more romantic.
Bear in mind we keep thinking and doing the math and
experimenting, and along comes another power particle smaller
than the last one. It seems reasonable to think there should be
true ends and true beginnings of existence because that mirrors
life; no other evidence is available. Whether I�m the savage
dreamer or the scientific redeemer, there�s a Nobel award in
this somewhere.
Like the Ancients I see the circle as the universal key to the
origin of the world�s solar systems and universes, the blue
print of the orbits and cycles, the master unity that points to
If the Hadron Collider operates in its own curvilinear body,
moving energy and particles to form new bodies and release
energy, those creations diffuse in spherical fields, suggesting
infinity to me.
Is the Nobel Prize delivered by Fed Ex or does somebody from the
Nobel place call first? I�ve got the phone ringer on loud
because I can�t hear it when it rings.
You probably noticed your washer and dryer aren�t designed as
cubicles. Think about that for a minute and take it from there.
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