Hearing on NASA Exploration
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Prepared Statement By Kathryn
Thornton: Hearing on NASA Exploration Programs

Statement of
Kathryn C. Thornton Professor and Associate Dean
School of Engineering and Applied Science University
of Virginia before the Committee on Science and
Technology Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics
U.S. House of Representatives.
Chairman Udall, Ranking Member Feeney, and members
of the subcommittee, thank you for inviting me to
appear before you today. My name is Kathryn Thornton
and I am a Professor and Associate Dean in the
School of Engineering and Applied Science at the
University of Virginia. I appear here this morning
not in my faculty role but as an organizer and
co-chair of an independent workshop entitled
Examining the Vision: Balancing Exploration and
Science held last February at Stanford University.
The workshop was co-hosted by Stanford University
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and The
Planetary Society. Other organizers were co-chair
Professor G. Scott Hubbard from Stanford University,
Dr. Louis Friedman of The Planetary Society, and Dr.
Wesley T. Huntress, Jr., of the Carnegie Institution
of Washington. The post- workshop joint communique
and a partial list of participants are attached.
The intent of the workshop was to critically examine
the current implementation of the Vision for Space
Exploration as announced by President Bush in
January 2004, especially to help prepare for a new
Administration's consideration of its broad space
program goals and plans. The Vision for Space
Exploration in its original plan was a major
redirection of the human space flight program with
an accompanying emphasis on scientific exploration.
Whatever changes might be made in its implementation
in the next Administration, we wanted to identify,
highlight and support the best parts of the current
concept. Our goal was to create a report intended to
be useful in the next stage of policy planning, and
potentially to define follow-on studies of the
The Vision for Space Exploration provided specific
targets, defined human and robotic exploration
objectives and set timetables. The Vision as
originally put forth was rich in scientific goals
aimed at finding life elsewhere in the Universe. In
addition, the Vision continually pointed toward Mars
as the ultimate target for human exploration and
couched exploration of the moon in those terms. Four
years later, implementation of the Vision has
focused on a small subset of the original concept:
finishing the International Space Station (ISS)
for international partners, retiring the Space
Shuttle by 2010 and developing new launch vehicles
(Ares I and V) and a new crew vehicle (Orion), and
the moon as the near term goal of human exploration.
With the fixed requirements, fixed schedule and
NASA's flat budget, funding to meet the Vision has
come from science, aeronautics and technology.
Aeronautics has been reduced radically, life
sciences have been largely eliminated, the entire
crosscutting technology budget has been redirected,
and more than $3B over 5 years was taken from the
space and Earth science budget. Much of the
originally planned funding for the human exploration
mandates has not materialized, while the cost of
returning the Space Shuttle to flight and its
impeding retirement has risen.
With these concerns as the motivation, the workshop
was planned as a two-day, behind- closed-doors
discussion of the goals and implementation of the
Presidential directive, and the issue of balance
between exploration and science. Organizers sought
to bring together scientists, astronauts, engineers,
policy analysts, and industry executives in a single
conversation where insights across traditional
boundaries could occur.
The discussions were organized around the following
1. Scientific Exploration of the Universe, in
particular the role of a Mars Sample Return mission
as a major milestone in scientific and robotic
exploration as well as a precursor for human
2. The Earth Science and Climate Change: What should
the US be doing to provide policy makers with the
best available information.
3. Access to Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) and Beyond: Plans
for and capabilities of the Constellation system
4. The Role of Lunar Exploration in the human
exploration strategy
5. Human Missions to Mars
6. Alternative Destinations for Human Exploration
7. Humans and Robots in Exploration: when is a human
the tool of choice for solar system exploration
8. The Role of the Emerging Entrepreneurial Space
9. International Collaboration in Space Exploration
Invitations were extended to individuals whom the
organizers felt would bring great diversity of
thought, as well as expertise, on those topics. Each
participant was invited to take off his or her
corporate, institutional or advocate hat, and engage
in discussion that will help this nation have the
best possible space exploration program. To the
extent that the outcome might be critical of the
current plans, progress or goals, criticism was
intended to be constructive and consistent with
strong support for space exploration. As expected,
lively discussions ensued.
Pre-workshop reporting predicted that the outcome of
the workshop would be a repudiation of at least some
of major the goals of the Vision. There was some
doubt that fifty individuals, selected specifically
for their differing specialties and divergent views,
could reach a consensus on the goals and directions
for America's space exploration program over the
course of a two day workshop. Therefore there was no
predetermined workshop report or product, but rather
the expectation that these discussion would lead to
further study and output in some form. Nevertheless,
workshop participants did reach consensus on the
following statements which in essence endorse the
Vision as announced in 2004.
It is time to go beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
with people as explorers. The purpose of
sustained human exploration is to go to Mars and
beyond. The significance of the moon and other
intermediate destinations is to serve as
steppingstones on the path to that goal.
Human space exploration is undertaken to serve
national and international interests. It
provides important opportunities to advance
science, but science is not the primary
Sustained human exploration requires enhanced
international collaboration and offers the
United States an opportunity for global
NASA has
not received the budget increases to support the
mandated human exploration program as well as
other vital parts of the NASA portfolio,
including space science, aeronautics, technology
requirements, and especially Earth observations,
given the urgency of global climate change.
These statements represent consensus among all
workshop participants. I would like to expand on
them from my own perspective.
It is time for humans to go beyond low-earth orbit.
The post-Apollo space program traded exploration for
utilization; exploration on the moon was exchanged
for the prospect of a permanent laboratory, factory,
and satellite repair station orbiting within a few
hundred miles of the Earth's surface. The resulting
quest for a permanent presence and routine access to
space resulted in the Space Shuttle and later in the
International Space Station (ISS). While both are
remarkable technological achievements, neither has
quite lived up to its promise, and just as the Space
Shuttle today bears only a slight resemblance to
early concepts for a fully reusable spacecraft, the
ISS we have now is not the station that was
envisioned more than two decades ago. To be sure,
the ISS must be completed in order to fulfill
obligations to our international partners. But in
the longer term the Space Shuttle and the ISS serve
to anchor humans in low-earth orbit, and orbiting
the Earth, as thrilling as it is, is not exploring
space. This nation must move forward with the
development of a space transportation system that
will do more than just orbit the Earth, but will
enable humans to explore in space.
Mars and beyond is the goal of human exploration.
Although "Mars and beyond" as the goal is a
consensus of workshop participants, the question of
intermediate steps was debated at length without
overall agreement. A steppingstone approach to Mars
might include some or all of the following
intermediate steps: sorties to the moon and the Sun-
Earth Lagrange points (L2) as the first step out of
LEO; longer missions of perhaps a year's duration to
a near Earth asteroid as the first step out of the
Earth's gravity well; and expeditions to the Martian
moons, Phobos and Deimos, which would be of similar
duration to Mars missions but without the need for
complex and risky landing and launch systems. The
important point is that each of the steppingstones,
whichever they may be, should advance the science
and technology needed for the next, more ambitious
objective and for the eventual human exploration of
Mars, and none should be considered as permanent
outposts that would again anchor us in place for
Exploration should be goal driven, not schedule
driven. The exploration goal has been repeatedly
found to be the basis of public excitement and
interest in the space program. In the aftermath of
the tragic loss of Columbia and her crew, this was
forcefully reasserted in the discussions of why
human space flight is worth the cost and the risk.
Indeed it was in that aftermath that the Vision for
Space Exploration was born. Exploration is
open-ended, it has no limits. But it has interim
objectives and those also should be publicly
engaging and seen as milestones on a longer road.
Practical engineering for meeting milestones is
bound by three major constraints: budget, schedule
and requirements. If you change one of these three,
the other two must change accordingly. Particularly
if the budget is over-constrained, either schedule
or requirements must give - and that is what is
happening today. As a result, the "gap years" in
which there will be no US human space launch
capability stretch to or beyond the middle of the
next decade. At the same time human missions to the
moon by the year 2020, as specified in the Vision,
are exceedingly unlikely. I strongly believe the
goals of the Vision are valid, but recognize that
budget difficulties will remain. It is important to
remain focused on the goals, not the schedule, and
proceed as efficiently and safely as technology and
budget will allow.
Science is enabled by human exploration, but is not
the goal of exploration. To be sure, there are
compelling science objectives at each of the
intermediate destinations en route to Mars,
and important scientific questions that must be
answered before humans can venture beyond LEO. But
the motivations for science and human exploration
are different, even as they are synergistic. Science
seeks to answer questions of the origin of the
universe and of ourselves, and the processes that
govern nature. Motivation for human exploration is
largely derived from innate human characteristics
such as curiosity, imagination and the desire not
just to understand but to experience, the drive to
compete and more recently the need to cooperate.
Geopolitical influences shape our exploration goals
as much now as they did in the 1960s.
One of the questions posed in the workshop was,
"When is a human the tool of choice for solar system
exploration," to which one participant responded,
"as soon as possible when exploration has
transitioned from reconnaissance to meaning." Humans
solve puzzles and find meaning in data, albeit at a
higher cost than our robotic surrogates. We could
debate the relative value of humans versus robots at
great length but, in fact, we would be missing the
point. Humans are explorers. Whether deep under the
ocean, on the frigid plateaus of Antarctica, or
above the atmosphere, humans are programmed to
indulge our unquenchable thirst for knowledge - not
only scientific data but human experiences. We are
unwilling to surrender those domains solely to
robotic surrogates and forego the human experience
of adventure and discovery.
We must balance science and exploration, and manage
expectations as we move forward. NASA's portfolio
includes Earth and spacescience,
aeronautics, and technology as well as exploration,
and a healthy balance must be maintained among the
sciences, and between science and exploration.
Science is of enormous benefit and interest to the
public and to our future generations - the
inspiration derived from Hubble and the Mars rovers
are but two examples, the 2006 Nobel Prize in
physics for work that was based on measurements from
COBE is yet another. The science budget should not
be used to compensate for the underfunding of the
Vision goals.
Furthermore, science programs are not just budget
lines, they are people. They cannot be turned on and
off without consequence. As NASA's aging workforce
reaches retirement, how are we going to attract the
next generation of scientists and engineers who will
continue exploring the universe? I believe we must
pull rather than push; pull students into science
and engineering with the promise of interesting work
and a fulfilling career. What more powerful pull can
there be than the opportunity to explore the
universe? When budgets are redirected and the very
programs that attracted young scientists are
summarily terminated, they are forced to retool,
retrain and reeducate themselves for other careers.
They are in all likelihood lost to the NASA
workforce forever and we are all poorer for it.
The entire field of microgravity science was based
on the expectation of a space station for long term
experimentation. Drop towers, zero-G flights and
even two week flights on the Space Shuttle were just
warms up for the permanent laboratory in space.
Young scientists built their careers on that
promise. Even as ISS grew in orbit, opportunities
for its use as a world class laboratory for
microgravity science were shrinking. Microgravity
science, born in the 1980s, was effectively killed
in 2004.
As we execute the Vision for Space Exploration, it
is important to be realistic about the goals,
funding and timeline for science and exploration.
Should we cast a net widely within the science
community to find all possibilities for exploration
and research that could be accomplished on the moon,
and therefore solicit the broadest possible support
within the science communities for a lunar program,
or should we focus from the outset on science
objectives that support the next step in the overall
exploration strategy? Let's not repeat the
microgravity science experience on the moon
Sustained human exploration requires international
collaboration. From the very beginning, human
exploration has been driven by geopolitical factors,
in the US as well as in the Soviet Union then and in
Russia now. As we make plans to explore beyond
Earth, it is appropriate that those political forces
have led to cooperation rather than competition.
The US is the unquestioned leader in space
exploration, a position that we are unwilling
relinquish. International collaborative exploration
initiatives offer the United States an opportunity
to maintain global leadership in a cooperative
environment. Collaboration with international
partners provides opportunities for countries who
may be competitors in global political or economic
arenas to work together to increase human knowledge
and promote peaceful utilization of the solar
The road to Mars will be a very long one, and any
architecture must survive many one- year budget
cycles and 4-year administrations. After several
near death experiences, the ISS is still alive and
will be completed because of our international
commitments. The overriding importance of
multi-national cooperation justifies the risk and
cost of continuing the Space Shuttle program long
enough to satisfy our obligations.
We can debate the value of science objectives or
exploration goals, but the value of international
cooperation in space ventures over the past decade
cannot be challenged. Inviting meaningful
international participation in the exploration
architecture may reduce cost, accelerate the
timeline, provide additional capability, bring a
measure of stability through numerous budget cycles
and administrations, while engaging rivals and
allies in a shared commitment to extend the
boundaries of humankind into new domains.
The role of entrepreneurial space ventures should be
to help NASA get out of the business of routine
transportation to LEO for cargo and crews as soon as
practical. Non-government entities have transported
cargo to space for decades, but only NASA and the
Russian Space Agency transport humans to the ISS. As
we have seen over the past two decades, our space
transportation system has at times left us stuck on
the ground. US flights were suspended for almost
three years after Challenger, more than two years
after the Columbia accident and will be suspended
for some number of years after the retirement of the
Space Shuttle in 2010. Shorter downtimes of months
to one year have resulted from problems with helium
leaks and external tank insulation shedding. As long
as NASA is the owner, operator and sole customer of
transportation services to LEO in this country,
there is no competition for services and limited
access to space.
The emerging entrepreneurial space industry projects
growing demand for access to space by foreign
governments who want to get into the space business,
from multinational corporations and from tourists.
NASA is investing in commercial space transportation
services through the Commercial Orbital
Transportation Services project (COTS) for cargo to
the ISS, and eventually crew transport as well.
Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin Commercial
Launch Services are engaged in discussions on the
Atlas 5 as the launch vehicle to provide crew and
cargo transportation services to a Bigelow-built
space complex in the near term.
As NASA refocuses on exploration, commercial
ventures that will replace NASA as the sole US human
space transportation system should be encouraged and
incentivized by NASA and by Congress. Assurances
that NASA will become a customer, not a competitor,
in LEO would strengthen the business case for
companies who are investing in this venture.
NASA has not received budget increases to support
the mandates of the Vision for Space Exploration and
the other elements of its portfolio even in the most
optimistic scenarios. Each year since 2004 when the
Vision was announced, the NASA budget has fallen
short of that required to achieve the mandated
exploration goals and milestones. Science,
aeronautics and technology have suffered severely to
compensate for the shortfall. Costs associated with
the Space Shuttle retirement are not budgeted. The
gap between Space Shuttle retirement and Orion crew
exploration vehicle (CEV) initial operational
capability is widening. In short, there is a
mismatch between aspirations and appropriations that
no amount of spin can disguise.
Faced with inadequate budgets, the other two
elements of the budget - schedule - requirements
triad must be reassessed. Again I urge that we focus
on the goals of the Vision, not the schedule, and
proceed in the most efficient, cost-effective and
safe manner possible.
Is the Constellation system a vehicle for science as
well as human exploration? I was asked to address
potential advantages of using Constellation systems
for science exploration missions, a question not
considered at the workshop, but is the subject of an
on-going NRC study. Constellation systems being
designed primarily to achieve human exploration
goals would enable larger, heavier and more capable
spacecraft as well as human servicing options to
meet science objectives that are synergistic with or
independent of Vision goals. The Ares V launch
vehicle, as envisioned, would offer significant
increases in payload volume and payload mass at a
significantly higher cost when compared with Delta
and Atlas families of launch vehicles available
today. In general, the advantages of launching
"flagship"-class science missions on an Ares V are:
Larger diameter payload fairing would allow
larger optics (mirrors) for a significant
improvement in high resolution imaging. The
proposed Ares V 10-m (8.8-m useable) diameter
payload fairing is roughly twice the diameter of
the largest fairings available on the Atlas 5 or
Delta IV (collectively referred to as EELV).
Larger payload volume could lower complexity and
mission risk by reducing the number of
deployment mechanisms required to fit a
spacecraft into a EELV-sized payload fairing.
Larger payload volume may also reduce or
eliminate the need for in-space robotic assembly
of larger spacecraft.
Larger payload mass would allow for redundant
components for longer service life, and
additional instruments, propulsion elements and
propellant. Mission concepts that require
multiple EELV launches could be consolidated
into a single Ares V launch with integration of
as much hardware as possible prior to launch.
* Future derivatives of the Orion crew capsule
that include provisions for extra vehicular
activities (EVA) could enable astronauts to
assemble, service, repair and modernize science
spacecraft outside of LEO, for instance at
Sun-Earth L2 which is the proposed location for
several large astronomical instruments and a
potential steppingstone destination on the path
to Mars. In the same way that the Hubble Space
Telescope has been rejuvenated four times over
its 18 year life, human servicing capability at
L2 could greatly extend the useful life of
spacecraft and instruments.
I am not aware of any reliable cost estimates for an
Ares V launch, but it seems reasonable to assume
that the incremental cost of a launch vehicle
capable of putting 140 MT into LEO would be several
times the cost of a 25 MT-capable launcher.
Similarly, the cost of a science payload that
requires such lift capability or would take
advantage of the payload volume of the Ares V would
be considerably more costly than "flagship" missions
currently being developed for launch on EELV.
If Ares V launch vehicles were available for science
missions in 2025 or later, there would undoubtedly
be a number of mission concepts that would enable a
qualitative new approach to the important scientific
questions in fields such as astronomy, astrophysics,
heliophysics, Earth science, or planetary science to
name a few. However, the greatly increased payload
capability promised by Ares V would also result in
more costly science payloads and significantly more
expensive launch vehicles. One billion dollar
"flagship" class missions could well be superseded
by $5B to $10B "super flagship" missions.
Unless the space science budget grows as the
launcher capability grows, science missions that
take full advantage of the capabilities of the Ares
V cannot reasonably be flown on a routine basis.
Two post-workshop follow-on activities are in
progress at this time. Workshop organizers are in
the process of writing a detailed summary of the
presentations and discussions that led to the
consensus statements. Not seeking a consensus of all
workshop participants, the intention is to represent
the nuances of the discussions and various points of
view, and to provide recommendations for the next
Administration's consideration. The Planetary
Society, a co-host of the workshop, is conducting a
series of "town hall meetings" at several cities
around the country to gain an understanding of
public opinion on topics addressed at the workshop.
The Society will use the results of these
discussions to produce a roadmap for space
exploration for the next Administration and
Congress. The roadmap will cover robotic missions of
exploration, human space flight, international
activities, and public interests. The first of the
town hall meetings was held on March 29 in
Brookline, MA.
In summary, it is time to go beyond LEO with humans
as explorers. To do so, we must have a space
transportation system that will enable humans to
travel to the moon, Mars and beyond; without it any
debate of destinations and goals for human space
exploration is pointless. We will explore with
multi-national partners to serve our own national
and international interests, as well as to advance
knowledge. With the goals clearly in focus, budgets
and schedules must be balanced for an affordable,
sustainable and successful space exploration
Mr. Chairman, I thank you and the Committee for your
staunch support of the space exploration program and
the opportunity to express my views today. I would
be happy to answer any questions.
The Planetary Society
65 N. Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106-2301
(626) 793-5100 Fax (626) 793-5528
E-mail: tps@planetary.org
Web: http://planetary.org
For Immediate Release: February 14, 2008
Contact: Susan Lendroth, 626-793-5100 or
David Orenstein, 650-736-2245
Space Experts Say: Restore Funding and Enhance
International Outreach to Put Humans on Mars While
Sustaining NASA's Science Mission
STANFORD, CA -- NASA's program for human exploration
must lead to Mars and beyond, and achieving that
goal will require future presidents to embrace
international collaboration and to fund NASA at a
level that will also sustain its vital science
programs, stated the organizers of a space
exploration workshop today after intensive
discussions Feb 12 and 13.
"This workshop achieved a consensus that NASA's
resources have not been commensurate with its
mandated missions of exploration and science," said
G. Scott Hubbard, former director of NASA's Ames
Research Laboratory in Mountain View, California,
and a consulting professor of Aeronautics and
Astronautics at Stanford.
"The next administration should make the human
spaceflight goal an international venture focused on
Mars--both to bring in more public support and to
sustain the program politically," added Louis
Friedman, Executive Director of The Planetary
Society in Pasadena, California.
Friedman; Hubbard; Kathryn Thornton, a former
astronaut and current professor in the School of
Engineering and Applied Science at the University of
Virginia; and Wesley T. Huntress, Geophysical
Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington co-
organized the workshop.
The Workshop Joint Communique
In particular the attendees agreed to the following
set of six statements:
It is time to go beyond LEO with people as
explorers. The purpose of sustained human
exploration is to go to Mars and beyond. The
significance of the moon and other intermediate
destinations is to serve as steppingstones on
the path to that goal.
Bringing together scientists, astronauts,
engineers, policy analysts, and industry
executives in a single conversation created an
environment where insights across traditional
boundaries occurred.
Human space exploration is undertaken to serve
national and international interests. It
provides important opportunities to advance
science, but science is not the primary
Sustained human exploration requires enhanced
international collaboration and offers the
United States an opportunity for global
NASA has not received the budget increases to
support the mandated human exploration program
as well as other vital parts of the NASA
portfolio, including space science, aeronautics,
technology requirements, and especially Earth
observations, given the urgency of global
climate change.
Additional recommendations will be provided by
the organizers and participants in this
About the workshop
The two-day workshop, co-sponsored by
The Planetary Society and the Department of
Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University,
was an invitation- only meeting of 45 space
exploration experts, including top scientists,
former NASA officials, and leading aerospace
industry executives. Eight of the attendees were
former astronauts (for the agenda and attendees seehttp://soe.stanford.edu/research/evlist.html or
The group gathered privately to
engage in a frank, wide-ranging discussion of the
Bush administration's vision for space exploration
and the policy options facing the new administration
that will take office in January 2009.
Topics discussed by the attendees in
a series of 90-minute panels included scientific
exploration; Earth science and climate change; lunar
exploration; sending humans to Mars; alternate human
exploration destinations; humans versus robots for
exploration; vehicles for accessing low-earth orbits
and beyond; emerging entrepreneurial space activity;
and international collaboration.
"The Space Shuttle has been an
incredible workhorse in low-earth orbit for more
than 25 years, but now it is time for humans to move
out into the solar system," Thornton said.
Examining the Vision: Balancing Science and
February 12-13, 2008
Workshop Attendees (partial list)
Buzz Aldrin, StarBuzz Enterprises LLC
Jim Bell, Cornell University
Ron Birk, Northrop-Grumman Corp
David Black, University Space Research Association
Jim Cantrell, Strategic Space
Brian Cantwell, Stanford University
Bill Clancey, Institute for Human and Machine
Nancy Colleton, Institute for Global Environmental
Pau Eckert, Boeing
Bob Farquhar, National Air and Space Museum
Chris Field, Stanford University
Len Fisk, University of Michigan
Peter Friedland, Technology Consultant
Louis Friedman, The Planetary Society
Lori Garver, Capital Space
Noel Hinners, Aerospace Consultant
Scott Horowitz, Doc's Aerospace
Scott Hubbard, Stanford University
Russ Kerschman, NASA Ames Research Center
John M Klineberg, Consultant
Pascal Lee, Mars Institute
Lon Levin, SkySeven Ventures
John Logsdon, George Washington University
Stephen Mackwell, University Space Research
Association LPI
Mike McCulley, United Space Alliance
Chris McKay, Ames Research Center
Brian K. Muirhead, JPL
Tom Pierson, CEO, SETI Institute
Jeff Plescia, Applied Physics Lab / Johns Hopkins
Charlie Precourt, ATK Launch Systems
Harold Reitsma, Ball Aerospace
Ken Reightler, Lockheed Martin
Joe Rothenberg, Universal Space Network
Steve Schneider, Stanford University
Russell L. Schweickart, B612 Foundation
Marijean Seelbach, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Mark Sirangelo, Space Dev
Doug Stetson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kathy Thornton, University of Virginia
Neil De Grasse Tyson, Hayden Planetarium
Jim Voss, Space Dev
Kathryn C. Thornton, Ph.D.
School of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Kathryn C. Thornton is a Professor at the University
of Virginia in the School of Engineering and Applied
Science in the Department of Science, Technology and
Society and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in
Engineering. She earned her Masters of Science and
Ph.D. in physics from the University of Virginia in
1977 and 1979, respectively, and a Bachelors of
Science in physics from Auburn University in 1974.
From 1984 to 1996, Thornton was a NASA astronaut and
is a veteran of four Space Shuttle missions. She has
logged over 975 hours in space, including more than
21 hours of extravehicular activity (EVA).
Thornton was a mission specialist on the crew of
STS-33 which launched at night from Kennedy Space
Center, Florida, in 1989 aboard the Space Shuttle
Discovery. The mission carried Department of Defense
payloads and other secondary payloads. In 1992 on
her second flight, Thornton served on the crew of
STS-49 on board the maiden flight of the new Space
Shuttle Endeavour. During the mission the crew
performed four EVAs (space walks) to retrieve,
repair and deploy the International
Telecommunications Satellite (INTELSAT), and to
demonstrate and evaluate numerous EVA tasks to be
used for the assembly of Space Station Freedom. The
following year Thornton was again a mission
specialist EVA crew member aboard the Space Shuttle
Endeavour on the STS-61 Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
servicing and repair mission. During the 11-day
flight, the HST was captured and restored to full
capacity through a five space walks by four
astronauts. On her final mission in 1995, Thornton
served aboard Space Shuttle Columbia on STS-73, as
the payload commander of the second United States
Microgravity Laboratory mission. The mission focused
on materials science, biotechnology, combustion
science, the physics of fluids, and other scientific
experiments housed in the pressurized Spacelab
Since leaving NASA, Thornton has served on several
review committees and task groups, including the
NASA Mars Program Independent Assessment Team and
the Return to Flight Task Group which evaluated
NASA's work in meeting goals set by the Columbia
Accident Investigation Board prior to resumption of
Space Shuttle flights. Dr Thornton also served on
the NRC Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, the
Committee for Technological Literacy, and the
Committee on Meeting the Workforce Needs for the
National Vision for Space Exploration, and is
currently a member of an NRC Committee assessing
science opportunities enabled by NASA's
Constellation system. She also is a co-author on
Pearson Scott Foresman's K-6 grade Science program.
Prior to becoming an astronaut, Thornton was
employed as a physicist at the U.S. Army Foreign
Science and Technology Center in Charlottesville,
Dr. Thornton is the recipient of
numerous awards including NASA Space Flight Medals,
the Explorer Club Lowell Thomas Award, the
University of Virginia Distinguished Alumna Award,
the Freedom Foundation Freedom Spirit Award, and the
National Intelligence Medal of Achievement
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