Hawaii Space Partnership Opens Doors For Mines
March 31 2008
by Staff Writers
Golden CO (SPX)
Mar 31, 2008
Students at
Colorado School of Mines and the University of Hawai`i at Hilo
will work together on space research at both campuses and at a
new international space research center on the Big Island of
Hawai`i, according to a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed
April 4 in Golden.

The Pacific
International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES) is
dedicated to developing technologies that will enable humans to
sustain life on another planet. The organization plans to build
a simulated lunar outpost on the Big Island of Hawai`i, where
the volcanic ash and rock surface resemble the surface of the
Mines President Bill Scoggins
and University of Hawai`i at Hilo Chancellor Rose Tseng will
sign the agreement establishing a partnership between the two
schools on April 4 at 2:30 p.m. at the Geology Museum on the
Mines campus. The agreement will greatly expand space research
opportunities for faculty, undergraduate and graduate students
at both schools.
Mines President Bill Scoggins
and University of Hawai`i at Hilo Chancellor Rose Tseng will
sign the agreement establishing a
partnership between the two
schools on April 4 at 2:30 p.m. at the Geology Museum on the
Mines campus. The agreement will greatly expand space research
opportunities for faculty, undergraduate and graduate students
at both schools
PISCES is dedicated to
developing technologies that will enable humans to sustain life
on another planet. The organization plans to build a simulated
lunar outpost on the Big Island of Hawai`i, where the volcanic
ash and rock surface resemble the surface of the moon.
The center will house research
labs for space agencies, commercial partners and entrepreneurs
around the world who plan space mission involvement. PISCES has
obtained research agreements with NASA in the areas of rover
technology and in situ resource utilization. The center also
expects to attract commercial partners who can benefit from
space research and technology.
PISCES is led by Frank
Schowengerdt, former director of NASA's Research Partnership
Centers, and Robert Fox, head of the Department of Physics and
Astronomy at Hilo. Schowengerdt also established and served as
director of the Mines space center
Because of the lunar-like
surface at the proposed PISCES research center in Hawai`i, our
work in using space resources to sustain life on the moon will
play a significant role in future space exploration," said
Schowengerdt. "We are planning robust programs in robotics,
solar energy, in situ resource utilization and education," he
"Almost anything you would do
at an outpost in space will be an opportunity for research and
development at PISCES, and we need good students who want to
pursue space science to be a part of this work," he said
Angel Abbud-Madrid, director of
the Mines Center for Space Resources, said the partnership is
perfect for their students, who are already involved in
extensive research on how to survive on the moon and Mars. The
center works with Lockheed Martin on equipment designed to
produce oxygen from lunar rocks and soil. Mines students also
have been involved in developing a special membrane that will
one day help astronauts make methane fuel on Mars for their
return flight to Earth
"The number of Hawai`i students
interested in space exploration is rapidly growing," said Hilo
Chancellor Rose Tseng. "We welcome the opportunity to be a part
of information and technology exchanges like this one."
Founded in 1874, Colorado
School of Mines was established to serve the needs of the local
mining industry. Today, the School has an international
reputation for excellence in both engineering education and the
applied sciences with special expertise in the development and
stewardship of the Earth's resources
related report
Colorado space partnership
to benefit UH Hilo students
Students at the University of Hawaii
at Hilo and the Colorado School of Mines, located in Golden,
Colorado, will work together on space research at both campuses
and at the new space research center on Hawai`i, called Pacific
International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES),
according to a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed April 4,
2008 in Colorado
UH Hilo Chancellor Rose Tseng
and School of Mines President Bill Scoggins will sign the
agreement establishing a partnership between the two schools,
which will greatly expand space research opportunities for
faculty, undergraduate and graduate students at both schools
UH Hilo is home to PISCES,
which is dedicated to developing technologies that will enable
humans to sustain life on another planet. Colorado School of
Mines is home to the Center for Space Resources, which focuses
on using the natural resources of space, also called in situ
resource utilization, to make air and water, and to meet all
human needs for survival on the moon and beyond
PISCES was established and
partially funded by the Hawai`i State Legislature in 2007. The
organization is working with community and cultural leaders and
educators to build on the Hawaiian history of voyaging in the
preparation of future voyages into space. The space center plans
to build a simulated lunar outpost on the Big Island where the
ash and rock surface resembles the surface of the moon
"We are planning robust
research programs in robotics, solar energy, in situ resource
utilization, and education," said Schowengerdt. "Almost anything
you would do at an outpost in space will be an opportunity for
research and development at PISCES, and we need good students
who want to pursue space science to be a part of this work."
Dr. Angel Abbud-Madrid,
director of the Colorado School of Mines Center for Space
Resources, said the partnership is perfect for their students,
who are already involved in research on how to survive on the
moon and Mars. Students work with Lockheed Martin on equipment
designed to produce oxygen from the lunar rocks and soil. Mines
students also have been involved in developing a special
membrane that will one day help astronauts make methane fuel on
Mars for their return flight to Earth
"The number of Hawai`i students
interested in space exploration is rapidly growing," said Tseng.
"We welcome the opportunity to be a part of information and
education exchanges like this one
"This partnership is a natural
extension of our space-related initiatives that are made
possible by the Big Island's unique living, learning
laboratory," she added. "From the world's most important
collection of telescopes atop Mauna Kea, to our `Imiloa
Astronomy Center, to PISCES, UH Hilo has taken its place on the
cutting edge in this exciting field."
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