Binary stars spin around each other pro grade not retrograde
just like planets do around the sun with their closest sides
going in the same direction (like gears meshing, not clashing).
. In other words one star is spin up and the other spin down.
If you click either of these links below
Binary Star simulation
and (in the top boxes) make the masses of the stars the
same---as electrons are the same mass---then you will plainly
see that these spin up - spin down stars are rotating around
each other just as a spin up - spin down electron are doing in
the lowest atomic orbital.
Slide the "e" slider to the left to give you no eccentricity. .
This can be two binary stars when the surroundings are
homogeneous and isotropic or it can be the two electrons in a
helium atom.
Or you can slide the "e" slider more to the right to give you
orbits of both binary stars and electrons where their
surroundings are not homogeneous
and isotropic.
This shows us that not only are electrons revolving around the
nucleus, but they are revolving around themselves as well just
like two binary stars. . This is the revolving action (orbiting)
similar to the electron action that Niels Bohr explained and won
the Nobel prize for about half a century ago.
The quarks inside the proton are what keep all electrons the
same mass.
So while the symmetry of the microcosm is different from the
macrocosm, they BOTH obey Ampere's
Laws, which
really tell us that behind the scenes out of phase resonances
are creating spacetime and in phase resonances are creating no
spacetime. . The average spacetime
being produced by both are the Wolford centers that we at Theory
of Everything Group keep
being reminded about.
The reason for this is that every entity whether it's in the
microcosm or macrocosm is a scalar standing wave resonance like Dr.
Milo Wolff proved
the electron to be, and like Huygens proved a preponderance of
light quanta to be, long before we even knew the smallest bit of
light was an individual quantum of energy.
This is the way the universe builds itself with individual
quantum pieces building scalar standing wave resonances, every
so often in frequency, like keys on a universe grand piano with
a keyboard of infinite length.
A scalar standing wave resonance of one frequency is made up of
tiny fractional portions of scalar standing wave resonances of
the next higher frequency on the keyboard of this universe
piano. . An electron, for instance, is made up of higher
frequency de Broglie resonances (in the x-ray realm).
And this goes on and on and on ad infinitum.
So Charles Scott is right in his epic astronomy e-book that you
can get FREE by
clicking the red link
You can click these links below for more info.
web page
First Book (FREE)
Why E = mc2
a NEW Science
Aufbau Laws